Chapter 69

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Severus drummed his fingers against the overstuffed, high-back chair in front of the grand fireplace in Malfoy Manor. Discussions had been long and tedious, with a lot of boasting from Voldemort about what he learned during his brief moment in Harry's head.

It irked Severus; some of the things the Dark Lord saw were what he had witnessed when teaching the boy to protect his mind. So you got a glimpse of what the boy has experienced and think you can use this against him? Severus shook his head; he did not know how that would help.

However, Voldemort was furious that he did not gain the prophecy, taking it out on everyone. So far, Severus and Ritchie were the only ones he was not angry with. He had arrived here, and the wretched boy had tried to attack Severus as he arrived today. Severus's lip curled viciously.

"Severus? It is time."

Severus tore his eyes away from the fire and into Narcissa's weary face. "Supper is ready already?"

"The House-elves are very efficient." She said quietly, "This also came for you." She pulled a small envelope from her sleeve, "The bird was rather diligent."

Severus took it and immediately recognized the handwriting, "Thank you." He waited patiently for her to leave, but she did not. "What?"

"It would be wise you opened it now so that we can dispose of it right away."

Severus grumbled and ripped it open,

It is time-MM

His stomach dropped, and his heart raced. I need to go now. He practically fell out of the chair, trying to get up.

"Severus," Narcissa's hands grabbed his arm, "you cannot leave right now and you know that. The Dark Lord is in a right foul mood today and you do not want to bring that down upon yourself."

Severus crumpled up the note and threw it into the fire; together, they watched it turn to ash.

Narcissa let him go and carefully looked around the large room. "I know how you are feeling, overwhelmed, scared. I am feeling that right now, Draco is under his gaze. We have to do what we can to protect our children and right now that means you must pretend that you never saw that note."

"We should not keep the Dark Lord waiting." Severus looked at the woman who had pulled Amilia out of danger when her parents were killed and had been his close friend. He straightened his back and followed her into the dining hall.

"Severus, has Dumbledore given you anymore information regarding the boy?" Voldemort asked after wiping his lips with a napkin.

"As of right now, he is looking for another Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Once again I have put in my application for the position, however, given the history of rejections I have had, i know that will be the case this time." Severus said sourly. "As for the boy, there has been no further discussions. It seems that the old man is more focused on the school than the boy right now."

"Pity." Voldemort said, watching the House-elves scramble to clear the table.

"My lord?" Ritchie leaned forward to see better, "Might I?"

Voldemort scowled, "No you may not inquire about anything." He took turns staring at each person at the table, "Right now we need to focus on enboldening our numbers. We have done a wonderful job spreading chaos for the Ministry and the Muggles with the destruction of their bridge."

Severus arched an eyebrow; he had not known of this. Of course, there were Muggle papers on his doorstep, but he had not given them a second glance.

"The brutal murder of Amelia Bones, to quote the Muggles, has done wonders." Voldemort continued. "One less person to stand in our way. Now, I want to start taking steps to remind the world why they should fear us."

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