Chapter 93

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Amilia fiddled with Severus's dress robes. "Is this really necessary?"

"If you are going to be chaperoning Slughorns party, yes."

Severus groaned, "I do not even know why I agreed to it."

"Becasue if you did not, he was going to pester me."

Severus looked down his nose at his wife, "Ah yes, the one he did not get to collect. The witch who can brew wolfsbane and had the highest alchemy score in a century."

Amilia chuckled, "Precisely." She patted his lapel and booped his nose. "Besides, the choir has an extra practice scheduled for the morning and I need to make sure I am well rested for that."

"Do you think she will allow you to sleep?" Severus tossed a glance over at the crib.

Amilia sighed, "We shall find out later. Do tell me all about it when you get back."

"I always do."

Severus stood outside of the room where the party was being held. He could hear the laughter, music, and conversations. He could recall coming to one of these as a student. It was an over-the-top extravaganza that would be photographed to no end, and once again, Severus would be blending into the wall. At the first party he attended, he escorted Lily, as usual, who had flitted about talking and chatting, being the social butterfly she had grown to be. On the other hand, Severus stayed back, always watching her.

He pressed his lips thin; I should not be thinking about you. He knew Amilia would not blame him; he often caught thoughts of her remembering an event or something that she had done with Eric. At first, it bothered him, but he slowly realized it was a part of life. Memories will always come and go no matter what happens and who you are with. What you do with them shows what kind of person you are or have yet to become. Severus would make sure he did not let them get in the way, unlike in the past.

His chest swelled with pride when he remembered how he handled the past Halloween; he thought that the fact that Jordan was dressed up helped, but it seemed that time and patience had done the trick. Now, if he could get the rest of the emotional responses to the memories under control, he would feel much better.

"That is enough of that." Severus shook his head and touched the door, pulling it open. Inside the room, he was greeted by the sight of crimson, emerald, and gold sheer drapes hanging from the ceilings. Students nearby stopped talking and gave him a quick and nervous look before returning to their conversations. He squared his shoulders and began to walk around, noting who had paired off with who and which students were hanging around by themselves.

Eventually, Severus caught sight of Harry Potter being dragged around by Slughorn, meeting different people. The boy looked frazzled, and as Severus stood there watching, he escaped, going over to hide with his friends near a professor.

Severus scoffed, shoved his hands in his pockets, and wandered around. Finally, he stopped and stood near Sybill. She was drunk and had recently been angered, mumbling about the centaur who was also teaching Divination.

"Severus, my boy!" Slughorn tossed his arm over his shoulder and pointed at Harry, who just realized that Severus was nearby, "I have never taught such a natural potions student!"

Severus raised an eyebrow, "So I have heard. Odd given that I was never able to teach him anything."

"Haha! Yes, you have said that before! Did you know he produced an excellent brew of Draught of Living Death on his first day in class!?"

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