Chapter 66

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Severus sat on the floor of the newly merged bedroom in their quarters. Dumbledore combined their private rooms, creating a more oversized bedroom to allow the baby space. In what had been Amilia's bathroom, the door became accessible from the sitting room so that company did not disturb a sleeping baby, and Severus's bathroom had moved and was enlarged. A double sink was added, the tub lowered for easier access for Amilia after the baby was born, and a baby tub was added. According to Dumbledore, if Severus and Amilia wanted a little adult privacy, they could easily create a wall with a door, but Severus knew that would not be on either of their minds for some time after the child was born. Around him, crib pieces were scattered about, and the instructions lay flat on the floor.

"Why not use magic, honey?" Amilia said as she folded all the clothes neatly into a small wicker basket.

"I want the pleasure of using my hands for something since I have nothing else to do."

Amilia chuckled softly, "You always have something to do. There is a list of potions that Poppy has given you and I am sure that Minerva wants to pick your mind about career placements."

Severus looked over at her; she was glowing, and the curve of her pregnant belly and the rosiness of her cheeks delighted him. She looked better now than when she was discharged from St. Mungos. Her temper was also frightening; she was angry about his demands to stay at Hogwarts until Clearwater was captured, but eventually, she saw reason.

Amilia looked up and made eye contact, "What?"


She pursed her lips, "Tell me, please."

Severus chuckled, "You are beautiful." He watched gleefully as a blush crossed her face and reddened her ears.

"Get back to work." She mumbled as she lowered her head and peered into a basket.

A couple of hours later, Severus had assembled the crib. They set it in the corner of the room, close to their bed, so either could easily attend to the child's needs. However, in the part of the room designated as the nursery, they kept the new chest of drawers, a rocking chair that looked out of the windows, a changing table, and a waste bin for diapers.

Amilia moved all of her charming gemstones to spread across the new room. Severus was not as thrilled about it because he would often stare all night at them, but they were something she would not budge on. "The last feast is tonight, is it not?"

"Yes." Severus said as he put away his clothes.

"Should I dress up? I know that I cannot go to Hogsmead but...I do want to go to dinner."

Severus looked over at her. Amilia stood in front of the mirror, staring at herself, wondering what to do. "Wear the silver robes."

Amilia turned to look at him, "The silver? Are you sure?"

Severus grinned at her as he grabbed the garment from her wardrobe. He draped it over her shoulders, showing where the front stopped, just above the curve of her belly. "Everyone already knows, no point in hiding it."

"I also want to be comfortable." Amilia laid her head back to look up at him.

"Is this one not comfortable?"

"It is but...I just feel huge."

Severus bit his tongue; the last time he agreed with her, she was angry with him for the rest of the day. "You could always try it on and if it is uncomfortable, you can pick something else."

Amilia looked at herself in the mirror and, with a tilted head, said, "You are right."

Severus smirked before planting a kiss on her cheek, "I know."

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