Chapter 131

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The main hall was empty except for the morning light filtering through the protection charms. Amilia stood off to the side, just out of sight. She knew that none of the Death Eaters would be coming this way. It was clear that the Great Hall was being used to house the injured and that the able-bodied fighters would fall back there to protect them. And the only other person Voldemort could trust right now would be that. Bellatrix.

Bellatrix was by no means stupid, just insane. The witch was infuriating; she would cackle and fawn over Voldemort every chance she got, but the moment she was put in charge of something, she showed the side he desired most: her intelligence and devotion. Even now, Bellatrix was leading the charge and wearing down the protective barrier.

Amilia sighed; she knew what it was like to want to please someone you loved. The only difference between herself and that madwoman was that Amilia was receiving love in return. For Severus, she relinquished the care of her daughter to her friends and pretended to side with Voldemort. She drank more with Eric, pushing herself in her father's footsteps just so that Eric would not be alone and that she could forget Severus.

Amilia scowled as sadness crept into her soul. Eric. I hope that you are taking good care of my daughter.

Bellatrix's deranged laughter filled the corridor; the Death Eaters had succeeded in getting through the barrier.

Amilia braced herself for the flood of black cloaks and masks but froze when she saw Voldemort glide through the doorway. Immediately her thoughts turned to Severus and Draco, both defenseless in the common room. Shit.

Voldemort blasted some Aurors out of his way. Once they were dealt with, he glanced around, focusing on Amilia.

Shit, shit, shit.

"Ah, Amilia, I cannot say that I am surprised you are on this side of my war."

Amilia glared at him but stayed silent.

"I wish you had been as loyal as your husband. I heard that you both were a force to be reckoned with. I had seen Severus's work firsthand. Yours, however, I heard you have a proclivity for the use of Muggle items and setting things on fire." Voldemort stepped towards her.

Amilia raised her wand, "I suppose I do. Would you like to see if for yourself?"

Voldemort tilted his head to the side and narrowed his snakelike eyes at her. She swore she saw him grin.

Amilia sent a firewall at him, which he parted as if it were paper. Fuck! Amilia backed away and ran around the corner; she knew she was outmatched.

"Come face your death." Voldemort called after her.

Amilia hid in the shadows, searching for something she could use against him. Her bravado at the start of the interaction was fading fast, and she began to fear that Severus would be the one to wake up without a spouse.

The Dark Lord's shadow grew larger as he searched for her. She stayed in her little hiding spot, trying to calm herself down enough to think. His soft footsteps grew closer and closer with each passing breath.

Fuck! Amilia gritted her teeth and peeked her head out. He stood a few feet away in front of one of the pillars. Amilia pointed her wand at it and watched the lower half of the pillar blow apart and fall on him.

Or so she thought.

Voldemort raised his wand and blasted the falling pillar away. He cackled.

Amilia gritted her teeth and darted from her hiding spot. Spells shot over her shoulder as she ran towards a stairwell nearby.

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