Chapter 5

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A few days later, Amilia scribbled a note:

I know that you are busy; however, I miss you. I am going out of town this weekend. I will see Kylie, Aaron, and Anthony before the term starts. I will be leaving Friday evening and will be back Monday morning. I would like to see you if possible. Also, I need to get into your storerooms to continue making the Wolfsbane Potion. I will pay you back for the supplies.

Amilia paused, she wanted to write those three words down, but with the possibility of Severus's unfortunate house guest, she did not want to take the chance. Plus, she was unsure if she was ready to reciprocate those feelings.

She put down the quill and held her finger on the parchment, "Our secrets are our own." The words scattered and reformed. She waited for it to solidify before folding the paper and handing it to Edgar.

Severus sat in his sitting room, a Muggle newspaper in hand and the Daily Prophet on the table next to him. Peter was scurrying around in the kitchen, the cabinets constantly opening and closing, irritating Severus. The rat had tried to uncover the piano and play it only to receive a lashing from him. Peter tried to get Severus in trouble with the Dark Lord, but it only backfired. You are a guest in Severus's house; you must be considerate of his belongings while you are there. Severus resisted a cringe as he recalled the sly smile on Voldemort's face.

A shriek from the kitchen startled him; he pulled out his wand and ran into the room to find Peter trying to hide from a large black bird biting his flesh hand and darting at his face. "Enough." Severus said calmly.

The raven flew away and settled on the counter, his call sounding like a metallic drum. Severus walked over to it and took the parchment in its claws; Edgar nibbled gently at his fingers. "Hang around." He shoved the paper in his pocket and looked at Peter, "It would be wise that you do not go near the bird."

"I was only trying to collect the letter so that I could give it to you."

"Liar." Severus sneered. He watched, amused, as Peter tried to get closer to the bird. Edgar lunged at his face, recreating a growling sound that he no doubt heard from one of the creatures in the Forbidden Forest.

Peter shrank away, blotting the wounds on his face with his sleeve. "Who does this creature belong to anyway?"

Severus eyed him; he did not want to answer but knew Peter would report everything he was doing to Voldemort. "He belongs to a professor at Hogwarts."

"Ah, yes, I remember. The woman. Hubbard I believe."

"Yes." Severus drawled.

"Why is she writing to you?"

Severus shook his head and turned his back on the man, "She is the Co-Head of Slytherin, term starts soon. I must keep up appearances."

Peter hummed and watched as Severus retreated up the stairs and to his room.

Severus locked the door. Doing so was the only way he knew he would have privacy. He pulled out the parchment and opened it.

Good day, Professor Snape. I hope your summer is going well, or at least uneventful. I need to borrow some supplies from your storeroom to replenish the potions in my classroom. I will replace the ingredients by Monday. We still need to get together to review items for the common room.

Severus grinned, "Secrets revealed." The words flew across the page like a bird. He read her letter several times. He wondered what she would discuss with her friends as he pulled out a notebook and scribbled his response.

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