Chapter 43

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Poppy washed her hands and escorted Amilia into her living quarters. "The baby is on track, I do not think you will be able to hide it for much longer."

"So she is healthy?"


"Can she take a portkey?"

"No!" Poppy looked appalled, "Portkies are out of the question. Why on Earth would you need to go anywhere by Portky?"

Severus rubbed the back of his neck, "No reason, I was just thinking of something for Valentine's Day."

Amilia shot him a look, she knew what he was talking about, and she was angry again.

"Well, I will do another check up next month, let me know if there is anything that you feel uncomfortable about or feel as if something is off."

"Of course." Amilia nodded.

Poppy left, and the couple stood there silently for a few minutes.

"You lied to her."

"I did."

Amilia tightened her robe around her, "Eric is still here?"


Amilia shook her head, "He needs to go home."

Severus scowled, "You should tell him."

"Tell him yourself! You are the one who asked him here! Not me!" Amilia yelled, she slammed her bedroom door, and Severus could hear it lock.

Fine. He silently yelled and punched the air in frustration.

Finally, the weekend arrived, and Amilia had to chaperone the Hogsmead trip. She was glad to leave the castle; Severus's constant pouting and fretting were becoming unbearable.

Students skipped about playing in the snow as they went to the shops. Amilia purchased a hot cider to go and meandered through the little village. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but she could feel that someone was watching her. Once in a while, she saw Harry and his companions staring at her as she walked past a shop window, but the feeling was something else. A feeling of eyes lingering on her with a sense of longing. It irritated her.

Eventually, she stopped by Gladrags; she would need some new clothes eventually and figured now would be the best time to get what she needed. The shopkeeper let her browse without interruption. She found several items for Severus and a more oversized blouse for herself. Should I even buy things for you? You keep trying to send me away. She glared at the items in her hands and walked up to the register. She fiddled around in her coin purse when someone slapped down payment, "I'll cover this."

"Sir, are you sure?"


Amilia sighed and grabbed the bag that was handed over the counter. She thanked the shopkeeper and rushed away.

"Mia, come on! Wait!"

"What do you want Eric?" She whirled around to face him.

"I wanted to chat, I haven't seen you in some time and," He rubbed the back of his neck, "I did not do a very good job the last time I saw you."

"Did Severus send you?"

"What? No. I haven't seen his since the pub."

Amilia eyed him suspiciously, "Fine."

"Are you hungry?" Eric's grey eyes wandered over her body.

She sighed and grumbled, "When am I not?"

Severus watched Amilia and Eric enter the Three Broomsticks before disappearing into the forest. He had been summoned, and he knew Amilia felt it, although she had been getting better at ignoring the pain of the Dark Mark. Severus closed his eyes and felt his world shift around him as he departed for the Riddle manor.

Once again, Death Eaters were seated at the table; Lord Voldemort was sitting in the oversized chair at the head of the table. "Good afternoon, Severus, please sit."

Severus nodded his head and took his seat.


"Yes, my lord?" She leaned forward, her tongue dragging across her top lip as she stared at him.

"Did you bring the new recruit."

"Yes, I did."

"Good," Voldemort turned to look at Severus, "this woman that he mentioned at our last meeting, what was she to you?"

Severus felt a shiver run up his spine, "She was going to be my wife."

Bellatrix and a few other Death Eaters laughed.

Voldemort silenced them, "Oh? What happened?"

Severus pursed his lips, "I...left her at the altar, I realized I was still in love with someone else."

"That is disappointing, have her bloodline amongst our ranks would have been wonderful." Voldemort shook his head, "Malfoy, you were close with her at one point, correct?"

"Yes, my lord, we were." Lucius said quickly. His sister-in-law turned her hollow eyes to him, curious.

"What happened?"

"She decided to treat our son as if he was a part of the common rabble and gave him a detention for reminding a blood traitor what he was."

Severus resisted the urge to glare at his friend; instead, he shifted his gaze back to the Dark Lord, who looked lost in thought.

"Bella, bring in the boy."

"Right away!" She leaped up from her chair and practically ran from the room. She returned with her hand elegantly ushering Ritchie into the room no sooner than she had left. He took her seat and threaded his fingers together as if he were leading the meeting, his eyes resting on Severus and not leaving.


"Yes, my lord?"

Voldemort tapped his chin, "You have until the end of the school year to get this woman back into our ranks."

Severus raised his eyebrows in surprise, "The end of the school year?"

"Yes, you see her every day. It would be easiest for you. Remind her of what protections we offer those of her blood status."

Severus nodded his head, "As you wish." He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart, but the fervent whispering between Ritchie and Bellatrix kept distracting him.

"My lord?" Bellatrix said hesitantly, her eyes lowered to the table.

"I have not forgotten," Voldemort snapped; he eyes Ritchie, "I appreciate that you want to join us and I have thought long and hard about it."

The table sat silently as the Dark Lord took a long drink and wiped his lips.

"You will need to go through the usual initiations, Bellatrix will, of course, be your sponsor. However, since we are currently, not in the eye of the Ministry, you will not kill just any person, I want you to hunt down your parents."

Severus stared at Ritchie as his once students contemplated his emotions.

"This is important because they did not stand up for you at that sham of a trial," Voldemort said smoothly. Once you have completed this and the other tasks, you will be a full-fledged member of our ranks."

Ritchie leaned forward, his eyes eager, "What about Amilia?"

"Once you are a Death Eater, you can have her, be it before or after Severus successfully returns her to our cause." Voldemort waved dismissively.

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