Chapter 59

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A few moments later, the three in the private room could hear the office door slam open. Severus and Poppy looked at each other confused.

"Madam Pomfrey! Under what authorization do you have to use the Floo Network to go to St. Mungo's!?" In stormed Umbridge.

Poppy squared her shoulders, "My own. You have no authority over requesting medical assistance."

"Medical assistance? Whatever for?" Umbridge turned her beady eyes to the couple on the bed. "I always seem to be finding you two in compromising positions."

Severus glared at her. Amilia lifted her head, "Shut up. Just shut up."

"That is rather rude."

Poppy stepped in the way, "There is a medical emergency right now. I have to ask you to leave this room so that the doorway is clear for the healers when they return."

"What emergency?" Umbridge stood on her tiptoes, trying to get a look.

"I am not at liberty."

"It's fine." Amilia groaned, "She will learn about it anyway."

Poppy sighed, took the toad by her arm, pulled her out of the room, and explained the situation.

Severus lowered his head so that only his wife could hear his words, "Is there anything that I can do?"

"I want you to come with me." Amilia said softly, her head resting on his lap.

"I think that would give away our relationship to the new Headmistriss."

Amilia moaned softly, her hand now on her belly, "At this point I do not care."

"Darling, I do not think they will allow me to come with you." Severus ran his fingertips over her arms.

"They have to." Amilia whined.

Severus smirked, Amilia rarely whined, and when she did, it was for something pleasurable and begging for a desperate need of release. However, in this instance, she whined because she needed him, which wrenched his heart in two as he wanted to keep her safe but to be there for her in her time of need.

Poppy cleared her throat, "The healers have arrived."

Severus and Amilia lifted their heads, seeing three healers, two carrying a stretcher and the other who had been there previously. "Can I help her stand?"

The healers looked at each other, "That will be fine."

Once Amilia was loaded on the stretcher, Poppy enlarged her fireplace, allowing the two healers and the woman to be comfortable there.

Healer Pearson took Severus to the side, keeping an eye on Umbridge over Severus's shoulder. "You are more than welcome to come anytime, since you are the father and husband we cannot deny you outside of visiting hours. I suggest getting some of her belongings to keep her comfortable and a few items for the child, just in case."

"Just in case?"

The healer shuffled his foot, "Even with all of our magic, things happen sometimes. Does she have any other family that need to be notified?"

"Not exactly, but that can be taken care of once I am there." Severus glanced over his shoulder at Umbridge.

"I understand."

The healer strolled into the fireplace, emptying the contents of his pouch into the fire. Once he was gone, the fireplace returned to its normal size.

"So," Umbridge called attention to herself, "I will be without my Remidial Professor?"

"That will depend on how this goes." Poppy stated, "It is a delicate matter seeing as this is not the first pregnancy lost to Amilia."

"Is that so?" Umbridge looked at Severus. "I suppose you will be visiting her often?"

Severus straightened his back, "Yes."

Umbridge pursed her lips, "Fine, but I want updates." She turned on her little pink heel and left Poppy's office.

Severus collapsed into the closest chair. He pushed the hair out of his face with shaking hands.


"I will be fine."

"I doubt that." Poppy shoved chocolate into his hands. "You are one of the biggest worry warts that I know."

"Is she going to be alright?"

Poppy sighed and busied herself with papers on her desk. "I hope so."

"How could this have happened? A fall? That makes no sense."

"It can happen."

Severus chewed the chocolate without tasting it. "I do not think she could handle it if...if something were to happen."

"That, my friend, is where you come in." Poppy touched his shoulder, "Through sickness or health."

Severus sighed, letting the vows they took barely four months ago float around in his head. Poppy was right; he knew it, but that did not stop the fear from creeping in that he would lose a child and his wife. Severus shuddered and stood, "I need to get some of her things."

"Take my fireplace when you are done."

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