Chapter 113

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"Professor Snape, my wife, will be the Head of House for Slytherin along with her duties as the Remedial Studies Professor."

Murmurs fell across the Great Hall. Amilia maintained her composure and remained standing while Severus demanded silence. She elevated her chin and looked down her nose at the sounds of protest from the Gryffindor table. The whole day Amilia could not look her friend in the eye. Minerva looked shocked during the faculty meeting; even Poppy refused to look at her. It broke Amilia's heart, but she could not speak to them about anything.

"Yes, that position would normally go to the most senior staff member of the House; however, Professor Slughorn has been away from the position for some time, and my wife," Severus turned his head slightly to look at her, "has held the position of Co-Head for several years now. She will uphold the values of Slytherin House to the best of her abilities."

Amilia glanced down at her arm; the skull in the dark mark glared at her with its black eyes, almost telling her she had to play her part for the sake of her life and her husband and daughters. As she thought about Jordan, a sickening feeling crept up her throat; what if the Dark Lord knew of her location? What then? Would Severus kill again to keep her safe? Would Amilia have to kill to keep her safe? To keep her friends safe?

"The Carrow's will be taking up positions here." Severus's gravely voice drew Amilia out of her thoughts. "Not only will they be my Deputy Heads but they will also be your teachers. Professor Amycus will being taking over the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts." Severus paused. Amilia could see a glint in his eyes and a sneer building in his smile that reflected in his voice, "Excuse me, Dark Arts. Professor Carrow intends to take the course in a different direction."

Amilia's brow furrowed ever so slightly as she looked over at the man standing, his hands in his sleeves across his chest. He looked smug and malicious intent in his eyes as he examined the students sitting before him. Amilia inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly; it concerned her with how he stared at the kids. She wondered if there was anything that she could do to keep him in check, but she doubted it. She, just like Severus, knew that the Carrow's were there to keep an eye on Severus and to implement the Dark Lords' plans.

"Professor Alecto Carrow will be taking over Muggle Studies. This course is now mandatory, reflected in an opening in your schedules. Any attempts to skip this class and any other class will be met with swift and just punishment deemed by the instructors." Severus drawled. He turned and looked at the Carrows and Amilia, motioning for them to sit. "As I am sure all of you read in the Daily Prophet, attendance is mandatory for all school-age children, and you must prove your blood status. Some have already decided to be on the run. With this in mind, if anyone, I repeat, anyone gets word of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, you must report your findings to either myself, my wife, or either of Professor Carrow."

"This is absolute rubbish!" A student at the Gryffindor table stood and yelled, shaking his fist in the air, "Potter wasn't even on the train, so what does it matter and you shouldn't be Headmaster!? Why should we do anything you say?"

Severus sighed. It sounded like an annoyed sigh, but Amilia knew it was heavy, full of regret and a deep struggle to maintain his facade.


Screams erupted in the Great Hall.

"What are you doing!?" Minerva screeched as she rushed to the table.

"Discipline." Amycus Carrow laughed.

"These are students! You cannot do this! Stop this right now!"

Amilia found herself on her feet, walking over to the Death Eater, now teacher, her wand was drawn, and she was ready to defend her students.

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