Chapter 31

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Amilia had listened to what Severus told her, and while they walked the castle ground and ate at the Three Broomsticks for his birthday, she contemplated it. It was relatively quick; she had expected at least a month. She also did not know how she felt about the idea of drafting a marriage contract only to be turned in later after all of this nonsense was over, hopefully. Severus had seemed so thrilled by the idea that it was a way for them to be legally married but not have it reported, which was the part that he feared the most, which she easily understood, but there was something else that was bothering her.

"I assume that you will not be putting your name on our child's birth certificate." Amilia said as they walked back to the cottage.

Severus stopped, "I did not even think about that."

"That is something that does need to be recorded."

Severus looked away from Amilia, scanning the winter landscape surrounding them, "I think...that it is safest if my name is not there."

Amilia looked down at the ground. His footprints walked with hers, just a small pace ahead as his stride was longer. It hurt to know that he could not put his name on their child, but she understood that if the Dark Lord found out or any of the Death Eaters, all three would be in grave danger. "What about last name?"

"That, I will not bow on." Severus glanced at Amilia, and when he saw that, she was looking at her feet, as she usually did when something burdened her. He gently reached out and lifted her chin, "I may not be able to sign the certificate right away but i will fight for our child to have my last name, if that is what you choose to put on there."

Amilia gave him a weak smile, "There is plenty of time to decide that."

Severus nodded, "let's get inside."

Amilia lay in bed, curled up around the pillow Severus so often used. She was tired, hungry, and lonely, but he had to return to Spinners End. Severus promised he would come to see her Friday night. However, Friday was too far away. She longed to feel his warmth next to her, his hand brushing against her belly as he cracked some half-assed joke.

Amilia had agreed that getting married sooner than later was best, especially since she had proposed the idea. Severus had sent a letter to Dumbledore, which, when Edgar came back, only said: Astronomy tower. 11 o'clock. Do not arrive together.

That last part infuriated Amilia; she did not want to be walked down some aisle with glittering Christmas baubles hanging around; she wanted to take his hand and get right to it. Now come on, you know part of that is a lie. You want the decorations and the glitter and the party. Amilia sighed, "Yet we cannot do any of that."

Amilia rolled onto her back and absently rubbed her belly, "I do not even have enough time to find a gown...but this is the start of another war, I can not dwell on the trivial things."

However, it was not exactly trivial. Amilia wanted the whole celebration, but that would have to wait, but she could wear something similar to a gown.

Amilia groaned and rolled to her side, "The top of the tower is going to be cold as hell, the only dresses that I have that would work are meant for summer."

Amilia spent the rest of the night fretting over what she could do to have the ceremony she wanted while also keeping it a secret.

Over the next few days, Severus dealt with Peter and the orders he was meant to carry out for Voldemort and Dumbledore. Thankfully, the orders have a bit of a crossover, so at least he could move quickly and finish the work. However, there was one that he had yet to start, informing Harry Potter that he would have to take Occlumency lessons with him. Something that not even Severus was thrilled about. It would have to be done tonight.

He grumbled and cursed as he gathered his belongings for the next semester and continued to ignore Peter, who was trying to see over Severus's shoulder. "Peter, when I come home again, if I see anything is out of order, I will skin you alive."

Peter shrank back and retreated to his room while Severus finished up.

When Severus was done, he shrank his belongings and stepped into the fireplace, going directly to his office at Hogwarts. He put his items away and grabbed a simple ring he had found at a thrift shop in London that they would use during their small ceremony tonight. Severus stared at the ring; we are doing it. Albeit not the way either of us would like, we will finally be married.

Severus shoved the ring in his pocket and went to Dumbledore's office, but the old wizard found him in the main corridor before he made it there. "Good evening, Severus."

"Headmaster." Severus tipped his head, "How was the rest of your holiday?"

"Wonderful, I got a lot of knitting done and shared a bottle of whiskey with Minerva."

"That sounds eventful."

Dumbledore chuckled, "Should we continue this in my office?"

"That would be a good idea." Severus drawled as he fell in step with Dumbledore.

Inside, the office smells of incense, "So, Severus, what brings you to me today?"

"I wanted to update you on what I have learned."

Dumbledore sat down, a small groan escaping from his lips as he settled into the grand chair. "Go on."

"As of right now, the Dark Lord does not know how Potter was involved with the incident at the Ministry, but he is still very adamant about retrieving the prophecy. The Dark Lord will soon figure it out thought. He is also displeased with Lucius Malfoy and will most likely try again." Severus rubbed the back of his neck, "I have not informed Potter of his new lessons, I will be doing that tonight, however, I do not know how useful it is going to be. They boy."

"The boy will do as he is told and he must learn to block out Voldemort." Dumbledore interrupted.

"Yes, I know and I agree, however, that boy thinks he is the greatest thing to walk these halls."

"Severus, Harry has had an immense amount of pressure placed on him ever since that fateful night. You must make him understand that closing his mind to Voldemort is for his benefit and the benefit of those he cares for."

"Yes, Headmaster." Severus hung his head.

"Severus, do enjoy yourself tonight." Dumbledore dismissed him and pointed to a clock on the wall with a twinkle in his eye.

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