Chapter 104

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Amilia sat on the sofa in their quarters, her knees drawn to her chest. The image of Dumbledore lying on the cold stone returned to her each time she closed her eyes. The dull stare was the same as her parents when she saw them. Ritchie had the same dull emptiness when his body hit the ground.

She shuddered. Nightmares of fire engulfing her still visited her sleep, paired with his deranged laughter. It made her uneasy knowing how quickly desire can turn someone, especially when left to be guarded by Dementors. Now she had to wonder if Severus would be subject to them. He had not come home yet.

Knock knock. "Amilia? The Order is meeting in the hospital wing to discuss..." Minerva's voice cracked, "to discuss what we do next now that Albus is gone."

Amilia continued to sit quietly. She knew they had to continue. The Order could not stop just because Dumbledore died; Harry still needed protection, and Voldemort needed to be dealt with. Life must go on.

Harry. Amilia scowled at the empty fireplace. Why did you look at me like that? Like you saw a monster. I had nothing to do with what happened. She buried her face in her knees, applying pressure to her eyes until she saw those colorful little squiggles appear. But did Severus?

"Well, if you are listening, just know we will all want to see you there. Afterwards I will need to speak to the Heads of Houses, as Co-Head you're going to be required to attend."

Amilia lifted her head and sighed. She got up and walked to the door. "I will be there."

Minerva gave a relieved sigh, "May I come in?"

"Umm," Amilia glanced around the room, " I'm not proper right now. I need to check on the students. I will see you shortly."


Amilia could hear her friend shuffle away, and once the steps stopped echoing outside the door, Amilia got busy with herself. She rinsed her face and ran a comb through her hair. She rubbed the wrinkles out of her clothes and descended the staircase to the Slytherin Common Room.

All the students gathered in the common room; some were sitting on the floor, others were seated in the laps of their friends on the furniture, but no matter where Amilia looked, all their eyes were glued to her.

Amilia sucked in a deep breath, trying to keep the lump in her throat from crawling further up. "Something big has happened and you should all hear it from me first." She looked down at her hands as she intertwined her fingers. "Hogwarts was invaded by a group of Death Eaters."

Students looked at each other; some did not care, others were curious, and others looked worried.

"That is not all," Amilia continued, "Our Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, was killed by one of them."

Immediately the room erupted into gasps of shock, followed by questions. Amilia tried quieting the room only to have her words drowned out. She growled, took out her wand, and sprayed sparks into the air. The students quieted down and stared at her. "I know this is shocking and that some of you may be pleased to hear about it, but we do not need to lose our sense of self and act like a bunch of pixies."

"What happens now?"

Amilia shook her head, "I do not know. I will be meeting with Professor McGonagall and the other Heads of Houses to discuss what happens next. Once I know more, I will let you know."

"Why you? Why not Professor Snape?" A third-year asked.

"She is Professor Snape you nitwit!" Someone nearby said.

"I meant...well Mister Professor Snape."

Amilia looked down at her hands, "I have not been able to locate him, nor Mister Malfoy. I do not think they are at Hogwarts anymore. So I shall assume the roll as Head of Slytherin House until further notice." She looked up and stared at the students. None of them said anything. "Now, I leave the Prefects in charge. I want everyone to gather their study books and get to work, for the time being we will continue as planned. You have exams tomorrow."

Amilia stood outside the double doors of the hospital wing; she could hear yelling. "What in the world?" She placed her ear on the wood to listen closely to the muffled voices.

Albus is dead! What? No!!

Yes, and Professor Snape is the one who did it!

Amilia scowled, "What?"

Draco was pointing his wand at Dumbledore, and when he wouldn't do it, Snape did it!

Harry, are you sure?

I saw it with my own eyes!

Amilia's breathing became shallow as she listened. It made no sense to her why Severus would be the one who killed Dumbledore. He wouldn't have unless he had a reason to. She pulled her head back and squeezed her eyes shut. "No, that is not possible. You said he was your friend."

Amilia felt sick to her stomach, "You would only do that if you had to." Then she remembered that he had told her he had taken the Unbreakable Vow. "Draco." She covered her mouth. Had Draco been tasked with killing Dumbledore? Did you do it to protect him? She placed her ear back on the door, afraid to open it now; she could hear Minerva speak.

That is not possible; he is a member of the Order.

Well, he lied! He did it!

Next, Poppy spoke, Do you think Amilia knows?

Of course, she knows! She is his wife! I bet she had a hand in all of this. I did not see her until after Dumbledore died, and she ran from the crowd when I saw her. Their baby is gone too, away with friends, they said. Don't you think that is suspicious?

Harry, please, do you really think that Professor Hubbard...I mean, would Snape lie to everyone about Jordan?

Yes! They kept her here during winter exams; why send her away now if both did not know that Death Eaters would come here!? Why else would they do it?

Amilia was done listening after that. She was being accused of something she had known nothing about. If only Harry knew all of it and what lengths Severus had gone to this far to protect him. "Fine." She lifted her chin and walked away.

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