Chapter 61

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Several weeks had passed, and Amilia woke up from her nap to afternoon sunlight filtering through the curtains in her hospital room. She stretched and rubbed her belly, "Good afternoon, sunshine. How are you feeling today?"

Nothing happened, of course, there usually wasn't a lot of movement from the baby during this time of the day, but it made her happy enough to talk to it. It. I hate using that word, but I want to be surprised.

"Good afternoon Miss Hubbard." A healer peeked into the room, "May I come in?"

Amilia looked over, smiling, "Good afternoon; of course you can come in."

"Wonderful, wonderful." She toed the door open and produced a large bouquet of pasque flowers in a white vase.

Amilia smiled even bigger as they were set down on the nightstand. She leaned over and gently touched the purple flowers with the yellow centers, "Look, little one, daddy sent us some flowers."

"Is that who S.S. is?" The healer held a small card, "He sends you flowers weekly."

Amilia looked the card over, he never wrote anything more than what was necessary, but his handwriting was always comforting.

"You also have some visitors but I wanted to check with you before allowing them in?"

"Who is it?"

"Kylie and her family, and some American." The healer shrugged. Kylie had come to visit almost every day, so much that the staff knew her by her first name.

"They can come in."

"I will let them know." The healer pulled out her wand, "Just need to do a final check, make sure that little baby is growing as it should." She waited for Amilia's approval before poking and prodding. "Everything looks perfect."

Amilia smiled, "Thank you."

The healer nodded and left the room, followed shortly by Kylie, Marcus, their children, and Eric.

"You look so much better!" Kylie grinned.

"I feel better."

Marcus shifted his weight, "So a swamp huh?"

Amilia rolled her eyes, "Minerva told me that the twins officially withdrew from the school a couple days later and that they have a shop set up in Diagon Alley."

"Really?" Marcus said with a sly look at his sons. Kylie swatted at him with a warning look at their children.

"The swamp was pretty ingenious, if I am going to be honest." Amilia said before looking at Eric, "Would you get a healer and ask them to bring in some tea?"

Eric gave her a quick nod and left the room.

Kylie raised an eyebrow, "What is that for?"

Amilia sighed, "He does not like it when I talk about Severus."

"He still got a crush on you?" Marcus asked.

"Did you not see the look on his face when we told him that she was here?" Kylie whispered loudly. Her husband shrugged. "What about Severus?"

"I think he has been a terrible mess this whole time."

"Do you blame him?"

"It is not like I planned to break my tailbone and almost have our child," Amilia said curtly, "but I mean more so than usual. He has been having meeting as of late, and trying to be here with me and deal with all of that has proven very difficult for him."

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