Chapter 132

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Poppy shook Amilia's shoulder several times before she woke up. Amilia had jumped up, ready to defend her unconscious husband and the injured students in the room. Her brain had taken a few moments to register what was happening.

"You and Draco are needed upstairs."

"What?" Amilia rubbed her eyes.

Poppy looked at her hands, "You both are going to need to plead your cases right now."

Amilia scowled as she looked at Draco, "I do not understand."

"The Ministry is here." Poppy whispered.

Amilia's scowl deepened, "Why?"

"It's over. Voldemort is dead."

Amilia's jaw dropped, "What?" Her face softened, and her lip quivered as much as her voice. "Are you serious? You're not lying?"

Poppy took Amilia into her arms and rubbed her back as the tears broke through the dam. Amilia wept tears of joy, grief, remorse, and regret.

Poppy let her cry for a moment before pulling away; she kept her hands on Amilia's shoulders, "You two need to get upstairs before they think you have fled."

"But why?" Amilia wiped the snot off her face with the back of her hand.

Poppy shook her head, "I don't know."

Amilia took one step and stopped, looking at her husband, "I can't leave him, Poppy, not again."

"You must." Poppy said firmly, taking Amilia's hand.

Amilia looked between the witch and Severus, "I can't. What if he wakes up while I am gone?"

"Amilia, you have to come. Your freedom, and by extension, his, is on the line."

Amilia scowled again, "I was never free."

"You are now. Let's keep it that way."

Amilia and Draco were marched into the courtyard under heavy scrutiny.

"Where were they hiding?" An Auror with glasses asked.

"We weren't hiding." Draco snapped.

"Right and those students and Leo weren't your hostages." The Auror sneered.

Amilia glared at him, "What is the meaning of this? I am still the Head of Slytherin House."

"Not anymore," Kingsley Shacklbolt said, stepping out from the crowd, "I am stripping you of your titles and position until we know more."

"You cannot do that." Amilia spat.

"I can, and I have."

"No, you cannot." Minerva stood next to Amilia, "The only one who has the authority to do that is the Headmaster and under the circumstances, that is me."


Amilia chuckled smugly.

"Until guilt has proven, Mrs. Snape will hold her title and positions." Minerva gave Amilia a fierce side-eye, which quieted the young witch.

Kingsley looked around him, already irritated by the interference of a Hogwarts Headmaster, well, Headmistress. "Fine. You two must submit to the Ministry of Magic for your traitorous actions and associations with Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters."

Aurors looked at Amilia and Draco smugly, arms crossed over their chest.

Draco stiffened next to Amilia, and she took his hand. She knew this would happen once it was over; she had just hoped she would have a little more time to prepare.

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