Chapter 11

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Amilia had a free period the following day, so she sat in her office writing a letter to Kylie, asking to see her this coming weekend. I wonder if you even know of Umbridge. She wanted to know everything possible to make the best decisions this year but did not want to concern her friend.

Amilia handed the letter to Edgar and watched as he flew through the open window.

"Eh hem."

Amilia's eyes darted to her door. Umbridge stood there, a couple of steps inside her office. Amilia scowled, "It is best to knock before entering my office or classroom."

"Well, I noticed that Professors Snape and McGonagall do not, neither does Madam Pomfrey."

"I do not know you and they are an exception to my rule."

"Well, that is rather...not friendly." The woman smiled at Amilia as she fiddled with her wand, "If you allow them you should allow all."

Amilia's scowl turned into a glare, but she kept silent.

Umbridge took that moment of silence to glance around. "I see that you do not have seating in here for students. How do you help them after class if they come come you?"

"I have all the tables in there," Amilia said matter of factly.

"And I see that you have a raven as a pet and...mail curior? Why is that? It is not registered with the Ministry as such."

"Owls are the only ones required to register since students use them." Amilia pushed her chair back, ready to stand, "It is only recommended for other avians."

"Yes, well, as a professor at Hogwarts, one should do everything to make sure they follow the requirements of the Ministry."

"A recommendation is just that. A recommendation. What are you doing here?"

Umbridge's eyebrows lifted in surprise, "I thought I would introduce myself. Unfortunately, I do not recall seeing you when we took our seats last night."

"I was escorting the first-years across the lake." Amilia stood up and squared her shoulders.

"That is something Hagrid, the Groundskeeper usually does, is that correct?"

"Yes." Amilia's hand fluttered over her wand.

"Do you happen to know why he is not here?"

"Actually no, though I do hope he is doing well. He is a joy to work with!" Amilia beamed, speaking the truth, hoping that Umbridge would take it and leave.

"I see."

"Do you have anything for me?" Amilia asked, her arms crossed.

"Whatever do you mean?"

Amilia bit her tongue to keep from rolling her eyes, "My job as the Remedial Studies Professor, is to aid others in teaching their students, especially those who are struggling. So, I ask again, do you have anything for me?"

"It is the first day of school, so no." Then, Umbridge snapped, her pride looking hurt, "Do you think that MY students would fail and need your help?"

Amilia produced an ugly laugh and then stopped quickly, glaring at the woman. Umbridge was taken back by the suddenty of it and squinted at the young witch. "Delores, I have a list of students from the second year to the seventh year who need assistance in your class. Some students learned better with other professors and struggle with someone new."

"That is Professor Umbridge to you young lady. I work very closely with the Minister of Magic."

Amilia silenced her with a raise of her hand, "I was not finished Delores," her words dripping with venom, "In order to do my job effectively I need your lesson plans, copies of your tests and answer keys, a text book from each class and a schedule for testing and practical days."

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