Chapter 68

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"Cornish hens? Really?" Poppy sighed as she served up some of the steamed vegetables. "He had to wait until after the school year to crave this?"

"At least we are eating comfortably outside." Minerva said as she sipped her tea.

Amilia adjusted herself in the chair and rubbed her belly each time a cramp occurred. "Food is food at this point."

"Well yes but it is almost as if he has had this planned." Poppy clicked her tongue. "Are you sure you are feeling well?"

Amilia nodded through the increasing pain and pressure. "It is not like it was a few months ago and they are not regular."

Poppy eyed her suspiciously. "If anything changes let me know of course. I've already got the private room set up, including the clothes you sent for yourself, Severus, and the baby."

"I just came home. I will not be having the baby anytime soon."

"If you say so."

Amilia ignored the comment and picked the meat off the bones, tossing fatty pieces on the ground. Edgar hopped around happily, picking up the scraps.

"Do you two have any names in mind?" Minerva asked.

Amilia looked up, surprised, "That has not been discussed much if I am being honest. He said he would be happy with whatever I picked."

"I see. I thought he would have opinions "

Amilia shrugged, "He gave me a no list. It was very long. Having been a teacher for so long."

Poppy and Minerva nodded in agreement.

Severus returned to the castle a little while later to check on Amilia. He found her sitting outside with Poppy and Minerva. Slowly, he approached, "Good afternoon, ladies."

All three of them beamed at him. "How was Spinners End?" Amilia asked.

"Filthy. I need to fire the housekeeper." Severus scowled.

"Well hopefully soon you will not have to deal with that one, since it likes to deal with rats." Amilia said curtly, stirring the lemon slice in her tea.

"Agreed. May I join you for a cup? I have to run more errands soon."

The woman smiled brightly and conjured a seat for him. Severus poured a cup of tea and quickly kissed the top of Amilia's head before he sat down. "How are you feeling today?"

"She seems to be having small contractions." Poppy said quickly, giving Amilia a very stern look.

"What?" Severus sat up straight and stared at his wife, who looked irritated.

"I am fine." Amilia said sharply to all of them. "The healers said this could happen on and off between now and the time the baby comes."

"Did they? They did not say this to me." Severus said, a lump forming in his throat.

"Yes. It is just my body preparing for the inevitable. I think a term they used is Braxton Hicks and these are just practice runs. Considering I have experienced real contractions," Amilia scowled, "more than I like, I know that these are not doing anything other than being an annoyance."

"Famous last words." Poppy muttered as she buttered a slice of bread.

Severus eyed each of the women; Minerva kept giving Amilia a side-eye concern causing a line to form on her forehead. Poppy was not ashamed of staring intently at Amilia, trying to read every slight wince and sigh she let out. Amilia, on the other hand, was determined not to let them know she was in pain.

Severus leaned over and whispered in her ear, "How long has this been going on?"

She looked at him from the corner of her eye, a slight nod letting him know he could look into her thoughts: since I woke up. However, when I was walking with Dumbledore, they went away. They only came back recently. It is nothing.

Severus pursed his lips and finished his tea, "I should get going. Do you want me to walk you inside?"

Amilia waved him away, "I want to stay outside a little longer, I hope you do not mind."

Severus chuckled, "Of course not. Do let me know if anything changes." He gave a stern look at Minerva, who rose from her seat.

"If you are walking witches inside, I will take the offer."

Severus grinned sheepishly, "Of course."

The two walked together towards the castle, "Severus, how do I get a hold of you should we need to?"

"Send Edgar. He will find me."

Minerva gave a curt nod and returned to the table, leaving Severus inside the castle doorway. He looked longingly at his wife, who sat outside, soaking up the sunlight and relishing in the breeze off the lake. He shook his head; I have to go now. He walked into the nearest classroom and took the Floo to his house in Spinner's End.

Amilia sighed, both in contentment and discomfort. I should get up and walk; that will help. "Poppy, can we go to the greenhouses?"

"Isn't that a little bit far to walk?" Poppy got up and pushed her chair in.

"Perhaps, but I want to look at the flowers so I can sit in there for a while."

Minerva rose from her chair as well, "She has a point, I will take her."

Poppy gathered the dishes and waved the two of them away. Amilia happily fell in step with Minerva, who was taking shorter steps. "Thank you."

"Of course. You know we all worry is all."

Amilia rolled her eyes, "Yes, and I need everyone to stop, if I start doubting myself...I feel like I will lose my mind."

Minerva nodded and placed her hand on Amilia's back, "Which flowers are you wanting to look at?"

Amilia pointed at the nearest greenhouse, "She has some of the flowering plants in this one." Amilia opened the door and inhaled deeply. "I miss this smell."

"I am sure your mother and father would be estatic right now."

Amilia smiled meekly, "I know, but I cannot help but miss them even more." Amilia wandered to the nearest flowers and fiddled with some leaves before sitting down.

"I will get you a moment." Minerva stepped outside the door.

Sometime later, Amilia was ready to leave; she had returned the tools she had set out and closed the door behind her. Minerva was waiting just outside, "Are you ready?"

Amilia grinned and inhaled deeply; a sharp pain ran through her, and a low groan escaped her lips. It was another contraction, but it was like the ones Amilia had after the swamp incident.

"Amilia? What's wrong?" Minerva reached for her.

Amilia grabbed her friend's arm to steady herself, a warm wet feeling traveling down her leg. "I think my water just broke."

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