Chapter 35

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Severus snatched up the paper and grabbed Amilia's hand, jerking her behind him as they escaped into the corridor behind the table. They made their way up to Dumbledore's office and waited. Amilia hugged herself as she stared bleakly into the extravagant fireplace. Severus rummaged through the shelves and the drawers of the grand desk, swearing to himself and throwing things when he could not find what he wanted.

"I need some fucking ink!" Severus bellowed.

"There is not need to destroy my office, Severus." Dumbledore's soft voice floated towards them.

Severus glared at the man before following the elegantly pointed finger to a box on a shelf. He dove for it, pulling out the inkpot, and began writing furiously.

Minerva rushed over to Amilia, enveloping the young witch in her arms. "How are you feeling?"

Amilia only blinked; she felt numb, as if she had just lost everything.

Minver took Amilia's face in her hands and made the young witch look at her, "I need you to answer me."

"No." Amilia whisperedNothing is right. Is this my fault?

"It is not your fault!" Severus roared.

"Do not yell!" Minerva snapped.

Amilia slowly turned in the direction of his voice, "How?"

"Did you break them out of Azkaban? No? Then it is not your fault!"

"What if getting back together was the catalyst?"

"What?" The other three said in unison.

She stood there, silent, waiting for them to answer her. Dumbledore shook his head at her, "Voldemort's return would have happened even if you still hated Severus. The only difference now, is that Severus has more to protect."

That was not what Amilia wanted to hear. She looked at Severus and immediately felt her heart beating in her throat. The look on his face was a mixture of fear and murderous rage. She knew just by looking at him that he did not care that Death Eaters escaped from Azkaban; he cared that someone who hurt her did.

Amilia began to feel faint, she grabbed Minerva's arm and she helped her to the floor. "He's going to come for me."

Severus paced the office while waiting on a large bird for him to use to become available.

"Severus sit down, you are not helping." Minerva hissed.

He paused for a moment and glanced at his wife; she sat in a chair, her eyes glazed over, but her thoughts were a constant stream of this cannot be happening.

Dumbledore returned, "Your letter has been sent."

"How?" Severus spun around.

"I have my ways." Dumbledore chuckled. He stopped next to Severus and surveyed Amilia. "Has Poppy seen to her yet?"

"Yes. She advised that Amilia not stress about anything, but we know that will not happen."

"You both have the day off." Dumbledore patted Severus's shoulder. "That should help a little. Though I do wonder if it was wise...sending that letter."

Severus rubbed his face with one hand. "I hope so."

Later that day, Severus had taken Amilia to Hogsmead. They walked quietly among the snow-laden street and watched as many locals watched them. Severus did not care that they stared and continued to hold her hand. I am not letting you go for as long as I live.

The patrons of the Three Broomsticks turned and stared as they entered. Madam Rosmerta looked up from the bar, "What in the world are you two doing here at this time?" Her eyes traveled down their hands, "Amd together no less."

Severus glared at her, "Hot cider, with cinnamon for her. I'll take your special brew of butterbeer."

Madam Rosmerta pursed her lips but got busy.

Severus guided Amilia to a booth in the back of the room. "Let me get your cloak."

Amilia turned her back to him as her purple cloak slid off her shoulders. Madame Rosmerta made her way over with mugs in her hands. "Honestly, why aren't you two at the..." She gasped, and the mugs slipped from her hands.

Amilia had turned to her side to get into the seat. Severus still hovered beside her, "What is the matter Rosmerta?"

"Amilia Hubbard...are you? You're." Madame Rosmerta looked around the room quickly.

"Keep it to yourself." Severus snapped, giving her a death glare.

"Are you serious!? You cannot be that far along but I saw! I'm not crazy am I?" She sat down and stared at Amilia and Severus.

Amilia lifted her eyes to Severus, and he looked down at her. He could see that she did not care, or at the least, she appeared as such. Severus sat next to her, "No you are not crazy."

"Bloody hell." Madame Rosmerta eyes Severus, "I suppose you are playing the best friend during this difficult time for her?"

"He is the father."

Severus and Madame Rosmerta looked at Amilia, stunned. Severus because he had not heard her speak since that morning and the other because this was big news. "What? Since when?" She gawked at them.

"We are married and I would appreciate you kept this to yourself." Amilia locked eyes with the woman.

Again Rosmerta gawked at them, "Why have you not told anyone?"

"Do you trust in Dumbledore?" Severus asked.

"Of course."

"There is your answer."

Rosmerta nodded slowly and rose from the booth, "Let me get you fresh drinks."

Amilia relaxed into the old booth seat and leaned on Severus's shoulder. "People were going to find out soon anyway."

"I know." He took her hand but kept it under the table, "We will only be here for a little bit before we go to the Hogs Head."

"I am tired of walking and it is cold." Amilia complained.

Severus chuckled. Rosmerta returned with new drinks, set them down, and waited.

"What?" Amilia grumbled.

"I was just hoping to get caught up."

"I am in no mood."

Rosmerta huffed and tapped her toe, "I presume you both saw the Prophet this morning. It is all anyone talks about at the moment."

"That is why we are taking the day off." Severus said as he eyed the other customers.

"Right, well, you two have a good day." Rosmerta walked away, tossing a look over her shoulder in their direction.

Amilia reached for the mug and inhaled the delicious smell of the cider. It warmed her hands and helped her relax a little.

"It is nice to hear you talking." Severus mumbled as he gulped his drink.

"You should not be drinking right now." Amilia grumbled.

"It has already been a long day, let me have this."

"It is going to be a long day for a long while, get used to it." Amilia set her mug down hard, the sound attracting the attention of the others in the place.

Severus sighed, "Finish your drink, we need to get going."

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