Chapter 53

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Severus and Amilia nibbled on crackers and cheese as they poured over their lesson plans for the upcoming weeks. Amilia had finished reviewing the test prep for O.W.L's when Severus slammed a book shut and shoved himself away from the table.

"What is wrong?"

"They are changing up which potions and poisons can be on the practical exam."

Amilia gently closed her book, "So that means more work for you."

"Yes." He growled as he paced in front of her fireplace.

"Is that all that is making you anxious?"

Severus looked at her and looked away. "No."

"Do not lie to me."

He sighed, "I am just concerned, Poppy says not to worry but I know she is anxious as well."

Amilia crossed her arms, "Draco too. I am fine. The baby is fine. Go find something to do so I can finish my work."

Severus shook his head and exited her quarters. Amilia flipped the book open again but found it hard to focus.

Amilia walked into the common room; a group of students huddled around a high-back chair near the fireplace.

"Do tell the story again Draco!"

"Well, if you insist."

Amilia heard the smug tone in his voice and decided to hang around to hear better instead of going to the piano.

"You see, we received a worthy tip that Potter and his friends were having a secret meeting. I...I mean the Inquisitor's Squad, headed them off. Some were caught in the library. However, I caught Potter using the Trip Jinx."

Amilia felt a surge of pride, a brilliant jinx to use. Then she felt something else, not anger but disappointment; what were you doing, Potter?

Draco continued with his story, the young girls falling more in love with him than usual. Amilia shook her head and wandered over to the piano, only to be stopped by a hand on her shoulder. That fire that warmed her told her who it was. "We need to go." Severus whispered in her ear.

Amilia glanced over at the children again before following him to his office.

Minerva stood there, her face a twisted mess of emotion.

"What is going on?" Amilia asked.

"Dumbledore has fled. The Minister was going to arrest him." Minerva spat out, clearly not angry at the two but angry nonetheless.

"What?" Severus said.

Amilia stood there dumbfounded, "That cannot be. What are the charges?"

"That he started an army against the Minister. Cornelius was going to send him to Azkaban!"

"An army?" Severus and Amilia looked at each other.

Amilia's heart was pounding, and she began to feel lightheaded. She reached out for Severus, who helped guide her to a chair.

"Potter of course was involved."

"Is that so?" Severus said, slightly intrigued.

"Of course. Honestly, did you think I would not know that several of my House were meeting in secret?"

"I am so confused." Amilia rubbed her temples.

"Delores was under the impression, that Harry had started a secret organization to practice defensive spells." Minerva said. "She was so set on expelling him, Albus took the fall."

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