Chapter 112

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Amilia sat in the garden, the tall fence and home blocking out the sun; she scowled, "This is utter bullshit."

"What is?" Severus stepped outside with a cup of tea for the both of them.

"No sun."

"You could always go to the beach or anywhere the sun is shining," Severus said softly.

"No. I can't."


Amilia tossed a rolled-up newspaper at him. Severus picked it up from the week before: Hogwarts Professor Reported Missing. He scanned the article. "It is uncertain as to if Professor Amilia Snape has returned to the service of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named but it is rather suspect that just she, along with Professor Burbage had suddenly resigned. Both women were very active at Hogwarts and maintained a strong presence. Mrs. Snape, however, was a Death Eater as a young child in the first war and has always spoken out against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and her husband, Professor Severus Snape, fled the castle on the night of Albus Dumbledore's death; one cannot be too sure that she is not involved in some way. Perhaps, she is reluctant in her actions or under a curse. One will never know until she is found and questioned." Severus finished reading out loud and set the paper down.

Amilia circled the teacup's rim with her finger, "It seems that Minerva thought I had resigned. Do you know anything about that?"


Amilia turned her head to look at him, her eyes devoid of all emotion, "I am waiting."

"I sent the letter while you were sleeping the next morning."

Amilia sighed and shook her head. She had had enough of this nonsense and was looking forward to having some stability and routine when the school year started; if it started, now he took that away from her, just like everything else.

"I am sorry."

"You do not—"

"Yes," Severus snarled, "I know that I do not have permission to listen to your thoughts." Amilia glared at him. "Yet, I will anyway. You refuse to speak to me for more than a few moments during the day. I sent the letter because I do not know what our future holds."

"Severus, you damn well know what our future holds. Mad-eye is dead. You blew off one of the twins' ears, your words," she added, "and the Ministry is now under the Dark Lord's power. What is next, a most wanted list? And will I be featured on it just to make sure you stay in line?"

"I," Severus sighed, "I do not want to fight."

"Right." Amilia crossed her arms over her chest and stared at the small patch of grass. Over the past few weeks, she had been here. She would steal moments away from her husband to sit in what should have been Jordan's room. From the window, she could see this exact spot. Severus had caught her one day and told her that he had hoped Jordan would one day look out her window and see flowers her grandmother had created. Amilia had smiled at that moment, but now it left a sour taste in her mouth. "Edgar should be here with today's paper soon."

"Why do you read it?"

"It keeps me connected with the outside world now that I must stay here besides you are the one who told me to take up a subscription last year."

"You say that like it is a bad thing and yes, I forgot I did tell you that."

"Clearly it is. The Ministry, therefore the Daily Prophet, is under the Dark Lord's control. If he did not want this published, it would not have been. He has some plan for me and I do not like it." She could hear him sigh beside her. She was right, and he knew it. "What do you want for supper?"

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