Chapter 63

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Amilia was sitting in her office; the windows in her classroom were open wide when she heard a commotion from the Great Hall. She stood quickly, winced, and waddled over to the classroom door.

"Sorry, sir, I am just tired." Potter said as he rubbed his forehead.

"Right, well, off to the Hospital wing with you, to lie down at least."

Amilia glanced down the hall in both directions, hoping there was another adult so that she could walk with him. Shit. The boy glanced at her as he walked past, "Do you need anything Potter?" She asked quickly.

Harry opened his mouth and closed it just as quickly before shaking his head and rushing away. Amilia scowled but backed into her classroom, it was her first full day back at Hogwarts, and she did not want to give her husband a heart attack by walking alone, not yet, at least.

Amilia made her way back to her chair; it groaned just as she did as she settled into it. The books on her desk did not entice her enough to be picked up, nor did the little treats sitting in a pretty green dish.

Severus walked casually through the Main Corridor; he had finished grading the written exams and grown bored with the potions. Most of them were at the level expected, the others had surprised him, but he wanted to see Amilia. He wanted to keep her company so she would not do anything rash.

He found her where he had left her, bored out of her skull in her office. "How are you doing?"

"I hate sitting still."

Severus chuckled, "I know. Have you seen anything out of your windows that is worth chatting about?"

Amilia shrugged, "Potter went to the hospital wing."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, I think he fell asleep, by the conversation I heard, probably fell out of his chair."

Severus sat down in the free chair and placed his feet on her desk, receiving a look of disdain and disgust from her.

"Feet, now."

Severus grinned, "What will you do if I do not put them down?"

Amilia pursed her lips, thinking, "You will be grounded."

"Grounded?" Severus laughed, "From what?"

A sly smile spread across Amilia's face as she leaned forward, "You will be grounded from having your dick sucked for six months."

Severus's laughter faltered, and his grin slid off his face, "That is cruel." He put his feet down.

"I know." Amilia grinned.

Severus was ready to make a sly comment but bit his tongue when he saw her playfulness shift to seriousness.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"I need Professor Snape."

Severus turned around, "For what?"

"Headmistress Umbridge wants you in her office. Now."

Severus cast an apologetic glance at Amilia before leaving.

Severus looked into Umbridge's office; Potter, Granger, two Weasleys, Lovegood, and Longbottom were there, though Longbottom did not look like he had much fight left in him with how purple his face was turning. "You called for me?"

"Yes, Severus, I need you to bring me some Veritaserum. Now."

Severus clasped his hands behind his back, "I gave you the last bottle when you interrogated Potter last time. Did you use the whole bottle despite my instruction?"

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