Chapter 139

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Amilia and Severus jerked out of their sleep and rushed into the hallway. Jordan's cries echoed in the bare hall. Severus held his wand before him as Amilia slid into the doorway.

Kylie yelped, and Jordan cried harder.

"What the bloody hell is going on?" Severus snapped, his chest heaving with adrenaline.

"I did tell you she wakes up in the middle of the night sometimes."

Amilia closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "We are sorry for startling you."

Kylie just sighed, shook her head, and stroked Jordan's hair. Moonlight framing them sweetly.

"I want to do this." Amilia said softly, entering the room.

"I can handle it, it's fine."

"Her crying is going to wake the boys." Amilia said, glancing at the doorway that connected the two rooms.

Kylie snorted, "No, she won't. They sleep through anything." She looked at the little girl like a mother would.

The look that Amilia saw enraged her. She felt the fire ignite in her belly, and she bit her cheek hard to keep from screaming and jerking her daughter out of her friend's arms.

"Go back to bed you two. I can handle this since I'm already here. We can start tomorrow if this happens again."

Jordan had stopped crying and laid her head on Kylie's shoulder, sniffling softly.

"Give my daughter to her mother." Severus said, his voice dark and threatening.

Kylie chose to ignore him and stared at Amilia.

That rage burned brighter in Amilia. Yes, her friend has years of experience as a parent, and yes, she spent the last year raising Jordan as if she were her own, but she isn't.

Jordan is Amilia's, and Amilia wants her. Desperately. So desperately that Amilia felt the ache to hold her child that it shook her to her core. So desperately that she felt that the hole Severus created could never be filled, especially if Kylie kept stepping in.

"I was already awake with Rose. Go get some sleep. You need it." Kylie said softly.

Rage reached its boiling point. Amilia felt her mouth open like a snake, unhinging wide enough to spew vile obscenity and accusations.

A hand on her shoulder and over her mouth made her suck in the words and swallow them down.

Two faces blocked out the moonlight from the window. Severus and Eric stood shoulder to shoulder, staring at her.

"Do not say anything you will regret." Eric mumbled.

Severus removed his hand from her mouth, "I agree."

Amilia's rage boiled down to tears. Her sobbing choked her.

Severus rested his forehead against hers, "I know. I know."

Eric scowled and shuffled away, moonlight flooding Amilia's sight again. She could hear whispers and whimpers.

"Amilia." Eric approached, and Severus stepped out of the way.

Amilia wiped her face.

"Go to your momma. She could use a hug." Eric said, booping Jordan on her nose.

Amilia held her breath and swallowed each shoulder-shaking sob that tried to escape. Her chest was tight, and her lips trembled.

Jordan blinked sleepily and looked back at Kylie and Eric before focusing on her mother.

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