Chapter 100

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Severus and Amilia had returned to the castle just before breakfast were to be called in the Great Hall. "I hate you," Amilia said quietly as they changed from their Muggle clothes.

"I know."

"You should have sent us away at Christmas."

"I know."

"What else aren't you telling me, Severus?" Amilia called Edgar onto her black-clad shoulder. The raven rubbed his face against her cheek, comforting and calling for their daughter. His metallic-sounding voice was saying Jordan, grated against Severus's ears. Usually, it was a calming sound that he enjoyed hearing but now...not so much.

Severus looked at her, his face grief-stricken, "I cannot tell you. I have been sworn to secrecy to protect Draco."

"Sworn?" Amilia stood just inside the staircase to her office. She commanded the space, her anger filling the small space between them.

"The Unbreakable Vow."

Amilia's mouth fell open, remembering he had told her this before. "With who?"


Rage and a sadness-filled sigh fell from her lips before she turned and took several steps. "Should you fail, you die."

"I know."

"And I will be left a widow and childess."

Severus watched as her shoulders shook silently, "Yes." He never knew that his heart could break more than it already has.

"I will kill you myself if that happens."

Severus bit his tongue not to correct her, but he knew what she was trying to say. "I can stay behind. That way, no one questions where Jordan is."

Amilia glared at him from over her shoulder, "She is spending the week with my freind so that we can focus on testing."


"Testing is upon us. No one will think we are lying since it was such a struggle for us during the winter tests." Amilia turned away from him, ascending the stairs.


Severus was working in his office when a student came screaming about a fight in the bathroom.

He rolled his eyes, and he rose from his chair. "Who is fighting?"

"Potter and Malfoy sir."

Severus scowled, "What?"

The students shrugged, "Honestly sir I am surprised it has not happened sooner. I mean they've had their brawls on the quidditch pitch but this time they're using their wands."

Severus shook his head and glided past the student. He knew Draco could handle himself, but Potter always seemed to have luck on his side, so he needed to get there immediately.

He found the bathroom very quickly, the sound of glass and porcelain shattering alerting him to the severity of the fight. He flagged down the nearest professor and proceeded into the bathroom.

Severus rounded the corner to where the sinks were; he saw his godson lying in a pool of scarlet water. Upon his body, he could see the clear signs of slash marks from one of the spells he had created. Shit. Where did you learn that?

He approached quickly and glanced at Potter, who turned tail and ran. Severus leaned over Draco, muttering the counterspell, watching as the wounds began to close and the blood disappeared from the water. "Go get a stretcher; he needs to see Madam Pomfrey."

The other teacher nodded their head quickly and dashed out of the bathroom. Severus pushed the hair out of Draco's face, "You are going to be alright."

Draco choked a little on the blood in his mouth, fear keeping its hold on his eyes and face. Two professors arrived with a stretcher; Severus helped them put the boy on it and escorted them to the hospital wing.

Amilia was organizing files and preparing incident reports for Poppy when the double doors opened, and Severus walked in. She stood up, curiously peering around him at the body on the stretcher. She caught a glimpse of the signature blonde hair and saw blood staining his white shirt, "Draco?"

Severus met her eyes and briefly looked afraid before returning his stoic look. Draco was placed on the nearest bed, and Poppy rushed over, barking orders.

Amilia approached cautiously and stood next to Severus. She said nothing because she knew he would tell her later, but they stood there. She was waiting for information and a moment alone with the boy to see what would happen to either of them when the Dark Lord learned of this attack.

Eventually, Poppy ushered them out of the room and into her office. "He is going to be fine. I want to know what you did to heal those wounds. Dittany?"

Severus shook his head, "The reverse of the spell that was used."

"What spell?"

"I think it would be wise that I not divulge that information. I will of course put it in the incident report is dark magic."

"Potter used dark magic?" Poppy sounded incredulous.

Amilia scowled, "I thought the boy only knew one spell."

Severus scoffed, "I thought so too. However, it is what it is, he used a spell created to cause harm and used in extreme violence."

"Dumbledore should know immediately. What if he is under a spell?" Poppy said quietly.

"I doubt that." Severus drawled, "I will deal with Potter. Will Draco make a full recovery?"

"Whatever spell you used to reverse the damage has healed him, though I am keeping him for some time to make sure the wounds do not reopen and to observe the affects of both spells." Poppy crossed her arms and shook her head, "I hope that Potter realizes he used something sinister and vows to never do it again."

"I agree." Amilia scowled. Poppy nodded to both of them before leaving her office. Amilia turned to Severus, "What spell was used?"

"One that I made."

She scowled some more, "And how would he have learned that?"

"I am not sure."

"Find out." Amilia snapped and turned to walk out of the room.

Severus grabbed her arm and pulled her to him, "I am sorry."

"I do not want to hear it." His jacket muffled her voice, but he could hear its strain.

"I love you."

Amilia was silent; Severus could feel her breath through his jacket; it was hot and sporadic, as if she were trying not to cry.

"Jordan will be fine."

Amilia pulled her head back to look at his face, her eyes were swollen, and her cheeks were burning with the urge to let the tears stream down her face. "I feel so empty."

Severus stroked her back, "I do too."

Her chin trembled, "No, you do not. You did not have to carry her inside of you, you did not stop working to raise her. I did; and yet you made this decision without consulting me."


"No, Severus," She interrupted him, "leave me alone."

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