Chapter 46

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Severus sat at the Three Broomsticks with Eric. They scowled at the drinks and food in front of them. Severus bounced his leg; he was anxious. He wanted to find his wife, but there was no way to do so.

The fireplace flashed green, and both men looked disappointed when a man stepped out of the flames.

"Um, excuse me, is there an Eric here?"

Severus watched as Madam Rosemarta eyed the stranger.

"You're a Muggle."

The man nervously rubbed his neck, "Yes, my wife is a witch though. She sent me to find someone named Eric. He's American."

Madam Rosemarta put down her towel and jerked her head in Severus' direction. "He's over there with our Potions Master. They seem rather cross with each other, and I'd tread lightly if I were you."

The man pressed his palms together, "Thank you so much," and rushed to them.

Severus eyed the man as he looked around nervously before taking his hat off. "Marcus? What are you doing here?"

"Severus, um, is this Eric?"


Marcus sighed, "Well, I am glad you both are here, less hunting that I have to do. You need to come to my house."

"A Muggles house?" Eric looked at Severus, "You know him?"

Severus nodded, "His wife is one of Amilia's best freinds." Eric's eyes widened, and he stood up. "Put your coat on."

"What? Why?"

Marcus put his hat back on and led the way to the fireplace. Severus snatched up some powder, and they were gone in a flash of green.

Amilia sat at the kitchen table, a cup of tea in her hands. The steam had long gone, but holding something brought her some comfort.

Kylie paced the kitchen, "I cannot believe the Ministry did not contact you about his escape."

"I doubt they contacted anyone who was a victim of those who escaped." Amilia mumbled.

"Well I suppose I get to meet this Eric now, why is he here again?"

"Severus sent for him."

"For you to go to America." Kylie shook her head. She had asked this multiple times already.

"Yes. I did not want to go."

Kylie paused her pacing, "I understand why. What about now?"

Amilia did not want to answer, and the event in the alley still shook her.

The fireplace roared briefly, and three men stepped out. Severus looked around quickly and spied his wife sitting at the table. He rushed over, and she did not look up at him.

"How long has she been here?" Severus snapped at Kylie.

Kylie scowled at him, "Do not use that tone with me. I sent Marcus as soon as we got home."

"What? So she didn't just show up here?" Eric looked around the living room.

"No." Kylie crossed her arms. "She literally ran into me in the Muggle World. She was running from someone."

Severus straightened his back, "who was chasing her?"

"I don't know. I didn't see anyone. A lot of Muggles were looking at the vehicles she stalled."

Severus turned to his wife, "Amilia?"

Amilia bit her lip.

"Who was it?" He kneeled next to her, his hands on her legs.

"It was Ritchie."

Eric walked over, "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Amilia squeezed the mug in her hands. "He did not look like himself but he had that stupid little snow globe and he said he missed me."

"Why didn't you come back to the school?" Eric asked.

Kylie hissed at him, literally, "I know you mean well but that is not the thing to ask."

"You are going to America. Tonight." Severus said, standing up. "Eric, go buy some plane tickets."


"Pregnant women cannot use Portkies."

Severus walked over to Eric and began to make plans.


Severus looked over his shoulder. Kylie stood beside Amilia, her hand on her friend's arm reassuringly.


"She said no." Kylie said firmly.

"Amilia, he found you. You need to leave."

Amilia shook her head. "I have thought hard about this. I cannot leave. I have my job. I would have to be cleared by a Muggle doctor in order to fly because I am considered a high risk pregnancy."

"She does not even have the proper documentation to leave. The Ministry now requires a lot of information in order to leave the country." Kylie said.

"Why?" Eric asked.

Kylie sighed, "Thr Ministry is trying to keep this whole thing under the rug and are monitoring anyone coming and going for fear that someone will spread the news to other parts of the world."

"How do you know this?" Eric asked

"She works for the Ministry." Amila said softly. "I am not going with you Eric."

"Then why have the No-Maj come get me? Which by the way was very weird to see him in a Wizarding community."

"We both thought Severus would be looking for her." Kylie shrugged. "Listen, Severus, I understand why you want her to leave however, think of everything you are going to miss if she does." She began to pace again, "Besides, I have informed the Ministry of the attack."

"You did what?" Severus snarled.

"They need to know that an escaped inmate attack a Hogwarts staff member. Perhaps this will help them catch them faster."

Severus scowled at Kylie, and Amilia looked at each of their faces. "I think Eric should stay in Hogsmead."

"What? Why? I thought you wanted him to leave." Severus said.

"I think it would be best, until Ritchie is caught, that he stays. An extra pair of eyes and ears." Amilia slumped back, "I want to go home."

Severus paced, and Amilia did not take her eyes off him. She wondered what he was thinking about and if he would continue to pressure her to go to America.

"Let's go home."

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