Chapter 36

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Amilia sat in a seat next to the fireplace. Severus paced around the establishment; he had been on edge since the Three Broomsticks. Amilia felt hollow again. All she could think about was the faces of those Death Eaters who escaped and the boy she had gone to school with. What will happen next? A giant chicken flying over London?

Nothing at the moment was helping her feel better; not the hearty stew in front of her, not the looks from Severus and his silly jokes that he tried to use, not even the thought that they had a child together, cheered her up.

"What seems to be the problem Snape?"

Amilia jumped at the voice followed by the thumping of a pegleg against the wooden floor.

"You know that Dumbledore called you, not me." Severus pulled out a chair next to Amilia.

"Yes, so." Mad-eye Moody sat down, followed by a young woman with pink hair and Remus.

"Hello Amilia." Remus smiled at her.

Amilia nodded at him, "Hello."

"How are you feeling?" Remus asked.


"Well, it is very cold today and the news in the Daily Prophet must have been a bit of a shock."

"Get to the point Lupin." Severus snapped.

"Are you feeling well is all I want to know."

Amilia shrugged and picked up the spoon, and pushed around a potato. Remus frowned and turned his attention to Severus, who looked confused and hurt.

"We have escaped Death Eaters to be catching, let's get to the point." Moody grumbled.

"Now now Alistor, no need to rush. Your lunch is on me." Dumbledore appeared next to them.

Amilia looked up, confused; how did you get here so fast?

"So what you are suggesting is that not only do we protect Potter but we put a tail on Miss Hubbard and make sure no one tries to hurt her!" Mad-eye slammed his fist on the table, "And you will not tell us why Snape! We have already done a lot for you!"

"I do not ask for much! This is important!" Severus said through gritted teeth.

"Then tell us!"


Amilia had jerked at the sound of a hand meeting the table, bringing her back to her senses. She stared at each of them before standing up and staring into the fire.

"You-Know-Who now has some of his most loyal subjects within his reach and you want us to abandon finding them and protecting that prophecy because you are worried about a witch! Make it make sense!"

Severus pinched the bridge of his nose, "Look, I do not ask for much. You all already have plans in order in case something were to happen to me, just keep a look out for the one escapee who was not a Death Eater."

"What did he do that was so bad?" The witch with pink hair asked.

"Tonks," Dumbledore said softly, "he, while still a student, used an unforgivable curse on Amilia and was going to force feed her Amorentia."

"Oh, wow, yea I see why he got landed there but that still doesn't explain anything."

"She nearly died." Severus whispered as he stole a look at his wife, her body encased in the orange glow of the fireplace. "The Whomping Willow is the only thing that saved her from him."

"Now Severus, let's not underestimate the amount of work she put in to defend herself." Dumbledore said.

"The willow?" Remus said, shocked, "I see why you want her kept safe but we need more information, we cannot keep using what resources we have because you are feeling protective."

" me, please."

Mad-eye broke out into a peal of insidious laughter. "Trust you? I am doing that enough as is."

Amilia had heard enough; she removed her robes and laid them gently on the table before facing them. "Amilia?" Severus eyed her curiously, his hand reaching out for her.

"I am pregnant."

Severus chewed his lip; Dumbledore grinned. Remus nodded, and Mad-eye stared at her. Even his magical eye was glued to her, and Tonks smiled widely.

" did not have to say anything."

"Shut up Severus," Amilia grumbled as she sat down, swatting his hand away, then regretting it and placing her hand on his leg.

"Congratulations." Tonks grinned, "You look well, if that is any consolation."

Amilia smiled slightly before glaring at Moody, "Does that give you enough information?"

"That certainly explains the motivation."

"So what are you wanting us to do, Severus?" Remus asked.

"I can handle myself." Amilia said.

"Really? Are you sure about that because you shut down the moment it sank in that Clearwater escaped?" Severus glared at her.


"I do not agree! You are pregnant and he was ready to torture you into loving him. What is to stop him from killing our...the baby if he finds you?"

Amilia chewed her lip; he was right. She sighed, "I can stay on castle grounds, he cannot get in without invitation."

"That is a start." Dumbledore said, trying to keep the tone quiet.

"Did you say our?" Tonks asked; she looked at Remus, "Did you know?"

"They do their best to be descreet, but everyone slips up sometimes."

Amilia looked down at the table, "I am sorry Severus."

"What? Why are you sorry?" Severus asked.

"You have more to worry about now."

Severus sighed, "We will talk about that later." He looked at the other four people sitting with them, "She will not be at the castle forever."

"You are right, so what do you suggest?" Remus said as he turned to look at the door.

The door swung open, snow flew in with the force of it, and a man quickly shut it. His head was twisting this way and that as he looked around the room. "There you are! I went to the wrong place like three times!"

Severus stood up, "You got my letter."

"I did. Took me a bit to get a portkey set up though." The man strolled over and unwrapped his face from his scarf. "I was honestly surprised to get anything from you, Snape."

"It was the only thing that I could think of."

"Yeah, I'm glad you did though." He removed the ski mask before looking at Amilia, "Hey there, 'Milia."

Amilia stared at him, frozen to the spot in shock, "Eric?"

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