Chapter 78

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Fire licked at the ground surrounding Eric and Amilia. They hung their heads low, resting on each other's shoulders, taking shallow breaths. Amilia kept thinking of the small gestures of love shared between Severus and herself and how their daughter would snuggle closer when sleeping in her arms. Now, she felt empty and dead, waiting for the fire or smoke to finish her off. I made it through all of that to die this way.

Eric gripped her shirt tightly as he trembled; Amilia could feel the tears soak into her shirt and evaporate immediately. She wondered what he was thinking about.

"Over here!"

Amilia lifted her head, squinting through the haze, unsure if she heard what she did over the roar of the fire.

"Ventus Duo!" The smoke swirled around them, and figures emerged in her view. The group held up their wands, some pushing away the smoke and others creating water jets, putting out the fire.

"Look, there's people!"

Amilia shook Eric.

"Are you two alright? What happened?"

Amilia recognized a couple of the voices, residents of the village, and a couple of members of the Order.

"Are you two alright?" Amilia shook her head, her lips trembling and a sob rocking through her. The dam holding back the tears broke, and she collapsed hysterically as the woman took her into her arms.

A man grabbed Eric and called for assistance. Amilia watched as he was put on a stretcher, his chest barely moving. "What's wrong with him?"

"They are going to get him checked out. We need to get you out of here." The woman pulled Amilia to her feet.

"The castle. I need to go there." Amilia said quickly, repeating it over and over.

"Honey, no, you need medical attention. You are going to St Mungo's."

Amilia jerked away, "No! I need to get home! My baby!"

The woman dashed after her, grabbing her arm, "Fine, fine! Madam Pomfrey can look you over before you go to the hospital."

Amilia sighed in relief and allowed the woman to walk her through the rest of the path, Eric just a few paces ahead. "He needs to go there too."

Severus burst through the double doors; he could smell singed clothing and hair as soon as he entered the room.

"Severus, give her a minute." Poppy said, putting her hands on his chest, stopping him from rushing to Amilia's bedside.

"What happened? Are they alright?"

"Your daughter is fine," Poppy said quickly, "she was with me when it happened."

"What happened?" Severus snapped, glaring down at his friend.

Poppy's lips were pressed thin as she whispered, "He used Eric to lure her out of the castle and there was a fire."

Blood pounded in his ears as the inferno of rage engulfed his senses. He grabbed Poppy by the arms, lifting her out of his way, and set her down as he rushed to Amilia's bedside.

"Severus." Amilia looked up at him, and water poured from her eyes, her hand reaching out for him.

He took her face in his hands, and his lips collided with hers. Amilia desperately grabbed at him with one hand and held their daughter tightly. He pulled away and rested his forehead against hers, swallowing the lump in his throat, "What happened?"

"I killed him." Amilia said, her voice harsh from the smoke.

"Is that a confession I hear?"

Severus let go of his wife and glared at the man standing in the office doorway; Eric was in a wheelchair in front of him. Severus felt a tightness in his chest as he took in the extent of Eric's wounds.

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