Chapter 13

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Amilia began brewing the Wolfsbane potion the next day; she had stopped by the Headmaster's office, inquiring how to send them to Remus. He was not very helpful, but he suggested leaving them with someone she could trust. Amilia did not like that idea, so she drafted a letter but was still unsure who to send it to. I do not have much time, and I still need to figure out who to give the potion to.

Someone knocked on her door, and she threw it open, angry that she was being disrupted on a Sunday. Umbridge stood there, "Good afternoon dear." She peered over Amilia's shoulder, "Brewing something? Is that acceptable to do in your quarters?"

"What do you want?"

"I wanted to inquire about your stop in Hogsmead yesterday. You see, as a professor you should not leave the grounds unless necessary."

Amilia raised her hand, "I am going to stop you there. You have no reason to inquire about my trips to Hogsmead, nor what I do in the privacy of my quarters."

Umbridge smiled sweetly at her, "May I come in? I think we got off on the wrong foot and we should stick together as wemon in this profession."

Amilia stared at her, astounded, "No."

Umbridge's tiny eyebrows shot up, disappearing into her hairline. "I do not think you realize."

"You are not welcome in my quarters. Ever." Amilia slammed her door in the woman's face, feeling rather smug about herself.

Almost immediately, Severus came into her sitting room, "What the bloody hell?"

"She wanted to know why I went to Hogsmead."

Severus scowled, "She must have people watching all of the professors."

"You would think that no one in Hogsmead would even think to work with the Ministry."

Severus shrugged, "Loyalties lie where they lie." He glanced at the cauldrons, "Is this?"

Amilia nodded, "They are simmering for the moment. Is there anything that you need?"

He shook his head, "I just wanted to know what she wanted."

Amilia scoffed, "Go back to work, I will let you know when I am not busy." Severus kissed her softly and left.

Amilia finished the letter. She addressed it to Molly Weasly, inquiring about her children's aspirations, something that if anyone else read, it would look like part of her job. However, she kept a small portion of the parchment empty under her signature, a note for Remus.

Amilia gave the letter to Edgar and sent him on his way. She busied herself with the Wolfsbane potion and continued to prep her lessons for the next few weeks.

Not long after she sent Edgar, an owl arrived at her window. She took the letter and shooed the bird away:

Professor Hubbard,

Thank you so much for reaching out. The twins are the only ones I know of right now that have their future in mind, something about a joke shop. Do tell Ron that I am proud he has made it onto the quidditch team, but I hope it does not interfere with his duties as a Prefect. I am unsure when you chaperone Hogsmead, but please make sure my daughter stays away from the Shrieking Shack. I have heard howls come from it at night, and she has such a curious mind.

Molly Weasley.

Amilia folded the paper and stored it with all of the other parent correspondence, just if Umbridge found a way into her quarters. That will have to do.

Severus waited patiently outside Amilia's door; they were to walk together to the Great Hall for dinner, but she was running behind. Finally, her door opened, and Amilia stepped out, followed by a haze of potion brewing.

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