Chapter 4

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Amilia stood in her kitchen bottling the Wolfsbane Potion when Severus appeared, startling her. She dropped the vial in her hand and cursed at him. Severus waved his wand over the mess, "We have to go."


"Harry is going to Grimauld Place."


Severus nodded his head as he quickly gathered her jacket and wand. "I have reports to give. Let's go."

"Severus, hold on!" Amilia snagged her bag off the counter and shoved the bottled potion in it, hoping they would not break. "All right. Now I am ready." She took his outstretched hand.

They showed up in the same alley as last time and rushed to the doors. Amilia looked around for the boy, but Severus dragged her into the kitchen. "My apologies for our tardiness." He cast an accusatory glance at Amilia.

She looked at him, confused, "What is going on?"

"Harry is here."

"I know that. What else?" Amilia snapped.

"My suspicions were correct, the Dark Lord is going after the prophecy."

Amilia looked at him, shocked, this was the first time she had seen him in two weeks, and now he was dropping this in her lap. The others at the table did not look surprised at the words from his mouth but at the shock on her face.

"What is being done to stop him?"

"We have plans."

"Plans? That is it?" Amilia felt a sudden surge of anger course through her, "Am I not worth telling? Have I not been a member long enough to know what these plans are or is it because I am a Slytherin?"

"Amilia." Severus started, but he was quickly interrupted.

"Being a Slytherin does tarnish you just a little bit." Sirius said with a coy smile, "I won't hold it against you though."

Remus stood up, "No. None of those things are what is going on. Amilia, I worked with you, I believe you when you say you are not loyal to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named." He shot a look at his friend, "What is going on here appears to be a lack of communication. We do not know where you are residing, however we can send some information to your office if you would like. Also, Bill, seems to forget sometimes that he needs to fully explain things."

Amilia rubbed her temple," My apologies."

"None needed."

"Can I at least be filled in on what I have missed?" She threw a look at Severus, who shrank back briefly.

About an hour later, Amilia stood by the sink, " I knew the Dementors were sent after him but he has trial tomorrow?" She turned around, "Does he even know what Wizarding court is like and how it is done?"

Silence answered her.

She turned to face the small crowd, "Is anyone going with him?

Remus shook his head, "I am not exactly welcome at the Ministry and Sirius is a fugitive."

"Fine, I will go with him." Amilia said, finally feeling like she could be of some use.

Molly and Arthur looked at each other, "What experience do you have with the courts?"

"She has had plenty." Severus said quietly; everyone turned to look at him. His face was still, but Amilia could see the murder in his eyes. A slight shudder ran up her spine as she recalled the trial he had witnessed, Ritchie.

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