Chapter 140

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Amilia and Kylie stood in front of the kitchen sink, one washing and the other drying. The silence between them was tense. Only the sounds of water swishing over plates and the ceramic clinking together filled the room.

Amilia thought of how quickly events transpired from when she stepped foot on this house floor—first, Severus with his callous conversation with Kylie. Then Amilia and Aaron's falling out.

Anthony assured her that Aaron just needed time to cool off, but this anger and animosity towards Severus had over a decade to cool off. If it had not by now...then it probably never would, and how she conducted herself in the sitting room solidified the gorge between them.

Anthony told her that he would always be there for her. He had been there during the Clearwater incident and the failed wedding. He was not going to leave her when she needed friends.

Amilia was concerned about his relationship, but Anthony told her that if it was time, then it was time. They were a happy couple until the war. Aaron feared that his in-laws would turn them in and that he would lose his family. No such thing had happened, but it caused issues, and little things became bigger.

If this is not the end of us, then I suppose it will just be me coming around. I will learn more when I get home.

Amilia shoved her hand in the hot water only to wrench it back quickly, hissing.


"I cut myself." Amilia mumbled as she reached for a clean towel to wrap around her hand. She leaned against the stove and took a few deep breaths as the pain subsided, slowly replaced by throbbing.

Kylie eyes her, "I'll finish up you see to that."

"No." Amilia removed the towel and inspected her palm. It wasn't a deep cut, just long and a little jagged. She must have cut herself twice, first by reaching in and second by jerking back. "I was just distracted. This will only take a moment."

Amilia held her hand to her chest as she turned around and jerked open a cabinet. Inside, she found bottles and tins, Severus's kitchen injury kit. A smirk twitched at the corner of her lip as she reached for the tiny bottle of Dittany. Two drops is all it took to close the wound. Another could prevent a scar, but Amilia did not care as she did not want to waste any.

Kylie returned to drying the bowl in her hand as Amilia returned to the sink. "What are you distracted by?"

Small talk. What Severus said must have gotten to Kylie. Amilia frowned. She did not want her friendship tainted by anger and jealousy, but it appeared to have bloomed within herself.

"Jordan seemed to enjoy herself today." Amilia picked up the next dish. She couldn't trust herself to talk to Kylie about Aaron. She feared that if she did, it would lead her to talk about what happened last night and get angry again.

Thinking about it made her blood boil, remembering how the moonlight framed Kylie as she comforted Jordan.

"She did. She liked the little blocks that you and Severus got her."

Amilia cracked a small smile, "I doubt she will give them a second look tomorrow."

"You would be surprised how often the simplest toys keep them entertained for ages."

The smile slid off Amilia's face as she remembered everything she had missed the past year.

"How long are you going to keep doing that?"

"Doing what?" Amilia frowned as she washed another dish.

"Become sullen anytime I talk about Jordan or parenting."

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