Chapter 123

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Amilia watched as the flash of fire rushed past her, and she heard body-like thuds hitting the ground. Shock and fear had kept her nailed to the spot. Minerva had a look in her eyes that if she could land a good blow, she would kill Severus.

Again, another flare shot out from the tip of the witch's wand, causing Severus to raise his, deflecting it. Amilia could feel its heat as it dissipated, and Severus turned into a cloud of black smoke blowing right past her, and then the window shattered.

Minerva began to walk around talking to members of the Order, and Amilia stayed glued to the spot. Her hand touched her cheek, the one she could swear she felt Severus's hand graze as he flew by her. That fiery sensation radiated through her skin, but she was still uncertain since she had already felt the heat of Minerva's fire bolts.

She pulled her shaky hand away from her face and watched her fingers tremble. Behind them, her eyes kept focusing and unfocusing on the moving form of Minerva McGonagall, who was barking orders:

"All evacuations will be overseen by Filch and Madam Pomfrey. If you are of age, you are more than welcome to stay and defend your school but be warned; you may not make it out alive."

"Minerva, we must reinforce the school!"

"Get to it then! Horace, make your choice now." Minerva snapped.

"What about those two, errr, three?" One of the members of the Order asked.

Amilia's senses finally came back to her. Her eyes stopped fluttering, and her hearing was no longer muffled. Three?

Amilia lowered her hand slowly, scanning the faces of the adults congregating in front of her. Each one who did not know her wore a face of disgust and mistrust. Those like Lupin eyed her with a look of concern, intrigue, and anger. She did not blame any of them; she was a traitor to them—someone who they should kill on sight.

"Those two are out cold." Mr. Weasley jerked his chin at the bodies behind her.

"Not for long." Harry Potter said quickly, almost as if he wanted to ensure that no one forgot he was there. For a moment, Amilia felt sorry for him; he had spent so much time in the limelight that he would not know what to do with himself once this was all over.

"What should we do with them then?"

"Well we cannot exactly leave them there, what about tying them up."

"Kill them." Amilia said coldly. She knew if they were allowed to live, the moment they could, they would start blasting the Killing Curse at anyone in their sights, and Minerva would be the first one on their list.

All eyes squinted at her. 

"We are not murderers." Minerva said.

"I am." Amilia shrugged. "I would do it for you if I knew that I would not get into more trouble." She pulled out her wand, "And all of you will be as well before the night is through so you might as well get a head start."

"Amilia!" Lupin's surprised voice floated over the chatter of students.

Again, Amilia shrugged and walked over to the Carrows lying on the floor. Their chests rose and fell with shallow breaths, and their hair was singed slightly. "It is not as difficult as everyone makes it seem. Once you get past the guilt of feeling guilty, it is simple. It is a lot easier when you are defending those you care about. Here, I'll show you." She raised her wand. She could not lie; it did bring her a little bit of pleasure to be the one to end their wretched lives, all those months of cleaning up their messes, healing wounds on tortured students, dealing with Amycus's lecherous gazes. It was going to be one of the greatest pleasures of her life.

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