Chapter 85

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Amilia paced their quarters anxiously; she longed to be out there teaching and interacting with students, even desiring to deal with the first day of school bullying and being annoyed by students just walking through her classroom doors expecting cheat sheets and answers right away. But alas, that was not the case for her, and she would have to live vicariously through her husband. She tried not to feel slighted, but the thoughts were there.

Slowly, the door opened, and Severus strolled in. Amilia stopped pacing and waited for him to tell her about his day, her hands tight fists in her pockets. Instead of greeting her, he sat down and tossed his feet on the stool before the fireplace, sighing heavily.

Amilia gawked at him, a little hurt. Did he not miss her? Did he not want to ask her how her day was? Did he not want to launch into his day, and how much did the classes or did not respect him? Were there accidents? Did anyone get detention? So many thoughts raced through her head as she stared at his profile; his eyes were closed as he inhaled and exhaled.

"Aren't you going to take my boots off?"

Amilia was snapped out of her thoughts, "What?"

"My boots?" Severus turned to look at her, confused.

"Why on earth would I do that?" Amilia snapped.

Severus pushed himself forward and looked at her thoroughly, "Isn't that what stay at home mothers and wives do?"

Amilia's eyebrows shot up into her hairline, appalled at the audacity of the question. She could only let her mouth hang open and blink furiously at him.

"That is what my mother did for my father." Severus added quickly as if that helped at all.

"You are serious?"

She watched him as his eyes darted across the room and back at her, trying to figure out what was happening, "Yes?" he said, questioning himself.

Amilia huffed and stormed out of the sitting room, slamming their bedroom door behind her. Absurd! What in the world is he thinking!?

Severus sat there, confused, "What just happened?" He could hear her talking to herself on the other side of the wall.

Slowly, he rose from the chair, still confused. He opened the bedroom door cautiously, "Amilia?"


"What is wrong?"

"Shut up."

He watched her walk to their bathroom and shut the door. He knocked gently, "Amilia." he sighed and tiptoed to it, not wanting to disturb what he hoped was a sleeping baby nor give away that he was approaching it.

"Severus, go away. I am...irritated at you right now."


As the door jerked open, he could hear her growl, "You acted as if I should be ready and waiting to take off your damn boots."

Severus furrowed his brow, "That is what this is about?"

"Yes!" She hissed, "I have been waiting for you to come back so that I can hear about your day and hope that me being locked up like some fairytale princess has some meaning and you come in expecting me to act like a 50's house wife!" She jabbed a finger at his chest.


"Do you want me to wear pretty frilly dresses too and have a firewhiskey waiting for you on top of the mantle while I am at it!?" She slid between him and the doorframe, running her hand through her hair.

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