Chapter 20

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Severus watched Amilia push her plate away from her, the food partially touched. "Are you feeling sick?"

Amilia shook her head and downed the glass of water she received at the start of the meal. "No, I feel fine. It just does not taste good."

Severus glanced around the restaurant, looking for their server, "We can order you something else."

"No, please. Do not make this an issue."

"If you did not enjoy your food, we should get you something else."

Amilia sighed, "How about we just skip to dessert? The appetizers were just fine."

Severus rolled his tongue over his teeth, "Are you sure?"


He waved down the server, who looked afraid upon seeing Amilia's partially eaten meal. "How is everything?"

"What do you have available for dessert?" Severus asked quickly, taking the attention off of his date.

"We have a pineapple upside down cake, tiramasu, and an assortment of icecream with toppings."

Severus nodded, impressed, "What do you want love?"

Amilia shifted in her seat, "Could I get a slice of the upside down cake and a scoop of vanilla icecream?"

"Of course!" The server visibly relaxed, "What would you like sir?"

"Just a scoop of chocolate icecream."

"Would you like a box for your meal?"

Amilia's face flushed, "Um, yes. Thank you."

They watched the server walk through the kitchen doors; Severus grabbed Amilia's hand, "If you do not like it, do not take it home."

She rolled her eyes, "You can leave it at your home for your pet."

Severus grimaced and let go of her hand as their sweets were brought. They ate quietly.

Amilia had devoured the desserts and exhaled happily, "Thank you for this."

"You are enjoying yourself?" Severus asked, his hand resting on hers again.

She nodded at the server when their change was dropped off and her food was placed in a to-go box. "We needed a little break away from work."

"I agree." Severus looked down at his lap, and Amilia could see his free hand was fidgeting with something. "Amilia, I do not want to go back just yet."

She nodded, agreeing, "I am a little upset that Peter showed up. I thought you said he was doing something for," Amilia paused, thinking of the right word, "his boss."

"I thought so too. Perhaps he finished early."

"Do you know what it is that he was doing?"

Severus shook his head, "I know many things but not everything."

Amilia pursed her lips, "Are you ready to go?"

"Do you want to go home already?"

She shook her head, "I just do not want to sit in here further."

Once outside, the two linked arms; Amilia laid her head on him as they walked down the busy street. "So now what?"

Forever and Always Yours, SS [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now