Chapter 91

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Severus and Amilia were quiet for the next day; he could hear her thoughts filling the room. She had expected to be summoned that night but wasn't.

"He failed his task." Amilia said quietly, watching the sleeping baby in her arms.


"I do not like this Severus. Draco is just a child."

"I know."

"Is there nothing you can do?" Amilia looked over at her husband.

He stood in front of the fireplace; his arm braced against the mantle and his head laying on that arm, "No, I can only help him."

"Help him? How!? What even is his task!?"

Severus lifted his head; his eyes were bloodshot, "I will not tell you. The less you know about that, for the moment, the better."

Amilia pursed her lips, "Severus."

"I will not budge on this Amilia. You cannot know."

"I want to help, please."

Severus shook his head, "I made the Unbreakable Vow to protect Draco. If he fails, I will complete his task. That is all you are going to know." He pushed himself away from the fireplace and sat next to Amilia, and ran his finger over Jordan's cheek. "That is all you are going to know, for her protection and yours."

Amilia let out an aggravated yet accepting sigh. "I do not like this."

"Neither do I." Severus slid his hands into Amilia's arms, taking their daughter into his. "Go relax. I want to spend some time with her."

Amilia wandered the corridors, chatting with professors and students alike. Some students informed her that after midterms, they would most likely be coming to see her. They feared for their grades or knew that they would not be able to make the accepted marks for their careers.

Amilia happily jotted down names and notes as she went. Minerva was busy, so they could not chat, but they made plans for the following weeks to have their Sunday afternoon tea. Of course, with Jordan, Amilia would now have to check and make sure Severus was not on some random task for Dumbledore so that she could enjoy her time with her friends.

Dumbledore. Amilia scowled as she stood on the stairs, waiting for it to finish moving. I am so tired of all of the secret tasks from you and the Dark Lord. I want my husband home. I want him safe. I want Draco safe.

The stairs stopped moving, and Amilia entered the main corridor. It was quiet here since dinner had finished, and the students were supposed to be in their dorms. She inhaled deeply; only a few more weeks, and then it would be Christmas break. Jordan's first Christmas, and while the thought brought immense joy to Amilia, it also brought a sense of dread. Will Severus miss it?

She shook her head. She could not think like that right now. She needed to focus on the day that was happening and enjoy every moment.

"Ah, Amilia, out for an evening stroll?" That familiar soft voice floated to her ears.

Amilia looked to her left, and Albus Dumbledore glided over to her. "Yes. It has been a...trying day."

"Is our little Jordan colicky?"

Amilia chuckled, "Oh no, she is right as rain for today. Severus has just been..." She paused, thinking of the right word, "overwhelmed."

Dumbledore lifted his chin at her, "Has he now?"

"Yes." Amilia pursed her lips and glanced around the hall.

"I heard that Miss Bell had been cursed."

"I had heard as well. Severus has been wracking his brain trying to figure out how that necklace came into her possession."

"Hmm, yes. I understand that. I hear she will recover though. Thanks to your husband."

Amilia stared at the aged wizard; he kept his withered hand tucked away in his sleeve and fiddled with his beard with the other. "I do hope that this event is not an omen for the year."

"I agree."


"Yes?" He looked down his nose at her.

"Is it...wise that Jordan is here? Is she safe?" Amilia glanced down at her shoes.

Silence answered her, almost as if he was unsure how to proceed.

"I only ask because if a student is able to come into contact with such a cursed object with all the aurors around, how do I know that my daughter will not get hurt?"

Dumbledore sighed, "Your daughter is safest where her parents are and Hogwarts has always been a safe heaven for wizards and witches."

Amilia scowled at the ground. Has it really? A basilisk. A student dying at the hands of a dark wizard. A power-hungry deranged woman torturing students. Is any of that really show the world that Hogwarts is safe?

"I think I best take my leave." Dumbledore said softly. "The night is becoming as old as I am and we both could use some sleep."

Amilia glanced up at him, "Good night sir."

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