Chapter 86

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In October, Severus finally had a weekend to himself where he was not facilitating any duels or practice sessions or overseeing Quidditch tryouts. He sat in the common room with Amilia and Jordan, his feet propped up on a stool in front of the grand fireplace, and the students each took their turns lying next to Jordan, who was protesting tummy time but soaking in all of the attention.

Amilia, on the other hand, was a nervous wreck next to him on the sofa. She watched the students like a hawk as they approached the baby and reminded them constantly not to be too hard or to put anything too far out of her reach.

"Let them be, love, everything is fine." Severus said softly.

"It is fine until it is not fine." She grumbled back, chewing on her nails.

He watched her, a little annoyed with her but also understanding her anxiety. They had discussed it at length. She feared that something would happen if she allowed anyone other than himself, Minerva, or Poppy around Jordan without her. He had suggested letting the students spend time, and she could supervise, something to possibly ease her anxiety. It did not seem to be working, but she was trying.

He held back a sigh; her anxiety, he believed, stemmed from the loss of her son. Yes, she was having a family adopt him; however, that was her choice, then it was taken from her. He did wonder, though, if the reason why Amilia kept the circle of trustworthy people so small was that her parents and brother were gone. She felt like the family she had made was the only one that she could rely on.

Severus understood how that felt. Amilia and Jordan were the only family that he had. Did he look up to Minerva and Poppy? Yes, of course, but it is not like he could confide in them now as he used to, Dumbledore's orders. Something he learned that Amilia was subject to as well. This caused him undo stress, neither of them had a way to release or discuss what was really going on in their lives, and Lord Voldemort was becoming increasingly adamant about Severus attending meetings. Meetings that were becoming increasingly violent and often required Severus to bring Draco along.

Draco. Severus glanced at the young man sitting by himself with a book in his hand, though he did not look like he was reading at all...just staring at the pages. The boy had been tasked with several things, things that seemed trivial and almost as if they are unable to be completed yet; the largest one was what bothered Severus. Will he be able to do it?

Jordan cried sharply, startling Severus from his thoughts. Amilia jumped up from the sofa, trying not to ask what had just happened. The third year nearby looked terrified, "She scratched herself."

Amilia picked up Jordan, "I need to clip your nails then." She gave the student a small, almost warm smile before heading towards the portrait.

Severus sighed, "You did nothing wrong. Babies do that a lot."

"I just do not want Professor Snape to be angry with me."

Severus pursed his lips; the school had been in session for several weeks now, but still hearing Amilia addressed as Snape was odd. "She will be fine." Severus also made eye contact with a Prefect before leaving through the portrait.

"Tomorrow, do you want to go out for a few hours? " Severus asked as he watched Amilia fuss over Jordan's nails.

"And do what? "

"We could take her to see your family and go out to eat."

Amila frowned, "Will your great masters allow that?"

"My what?" Severus leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. Amilia only gave him a look, and he understood. "I cannot control what either the Dark Lord or Dumbledore wants. However, Dumbledore is easier to sway."

Amilia scoffed and turned her back, focusing on Jordan.

"Is that a no?"

Silence answered him.

"You have not been off castle grounds in months Amilia."

"The courts said."

"To hell with the courts!" Severus snapped. This caused Amilia to jump, and she turned to look at him. "You have become more and more depressed. You have not gone to see Eric in some time and even the students are concerned. You are beginning to scare them. That's my job!"

Amilia lowered her head, something she had been doing recently. "I feel useless."

Severus sighed, "You are far from useless." He rose from the bed and kneeled before her, taking her hand in his. "I can give you more jobs to do in the common room if that's something you want to do."

"I want to teach. I want to do something other than stare at these walls all day."

Severus pursed his lips, "Then let's go out. The three of us. We all could use it."

Amilia stared at him, he could see the thoughts turning in her head. "I doubt it will get approved."

Severus shook his head, he did not want to press it, but he knew this was a good idea. They all needed it. He rose from the floor, "I will be back. Do you want anything from the kitchen?"

Amilia shook her head and ran her fingers over Jordan's nose and eyebrows, trying to coax out the coos and smile. Severus watched for a moment before leaving.

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