Chapter 27

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Kylie was waiting for them in the backyard; the loud revving of a vehicle in the front of the house drowned out their arrival. "I was wondering if you would get here on time." She eyed them and waved them into the house, "Both of our parents are still here, though Marcus's will be leaving before you do, I suppose." She turned around to stare at Amilia, "Be nice."

Amilia gasped, pointing at herself, "I do not know what you mean."

Kylie rolled her eyes as she opened the door; Severus followed behind Amilia closely, vividly remembering the altercation between Amilia and Kylie's father.

"Well, hello Amilia!" Kylie's mother chirped as she snuggled into her grandsons. "I heard the news."

Amilia blanched, and Severus froze to the spot. "You heard?"

"Oh, yes, I was helping Kylie with the children at Brandon's appointment today."

"Oh." Amilia's eyes widened as she looked at Kylie, who sheepishly shrugged.

"Is that...popping in and out thing safe for the baby?" A short woman with greying hair asked.

"Amilia, Severus, that is Catherine, Marcus's mother and the man rummaging through my refrigerator!" Kylie raised her voice and jerked her head at the kitchen only to receive a deep belly laugh, "Is my father-in-law, William."

"Hello." Amilia gave a small wave.

"To answer your question Catherine, it is safe as long as she takes her time, just like driving a car."

"I see." Catherine sipped from a teacup, "Congratulations."

Amilia smiled, "Thank you. It was a surprise."

"They most often are." The older women in the room chuckled and shared a knowing glance.

"You must be the father!" William, a bald man with a round belly, appeared in the living room, "Congratulations to you as well!" He held out his hand to Severus, who shook it but still looked like he could be knocked over with a feather.

"Shouldn't you two be leaving soon?" Kylie asked impatiently.

"Well, we wanted to see the happy new parents!" Catherine chimed as she stood up, "Happy Christmas and many new years blessings upon you both. Come on William!"

William clapped Severus on the back and gave Amilia a small wave before helping his wife with her coat. The boys, Scott and Brandon, hugged them tightly and waved through the front window.

Kylie clapped her hands, "Boys, go play."

They groaned, "But Auntie Milia just got here!"

"And she will be leaving soon too so get a hug and get out." Kylie turned to Amilia, "They have been trouble all morning."

"Have not!" Scott grumbled as he hugged Amilia, "I am happy you have a baby in your belly."

"Oh," Amilia hugged him back, "thank you little one. Now listen to your mother." Brandon hugged her, too, and scampered after his big brother.

"Sit." Kylie demanded as she disappeared into the kitchen, "Are you hungry Amilia?"

"No, we just finished eating."

They could hear an exasperated sigh and the clattering of dishes. The front door opened, and Marcus entered the house with Kylie's father.

"Well, Happy Christmas to the both of you."

"Yes, you too."

Kylie appeared with a tray of teacups and snacks. "I have a lot of hot chocolate. Do you want any?"

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