Chapter 134

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Severus saw Amilia sitting on a bench in the waiting room when he left the courtroom. Her leg was bouncing a mile a minute. He approached her, and she jumped to her feet.

"Well?" She asked.

Severus rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the Auror who accompanied him.

"He has to come back in two days."

"What? Why?"

The Auror futilely raised her hands to calm Amilia, "They took memories and need time to review the evidence and make a verdict."

Amilia scowled, "What are his charges?"

The Auror scoffed, "Better to ask what aren't his charges."

"Will I be able to go inside when they deliver the verdict?"

" not know. I'll have to ask."

"Please do." Amilia turned her attention to Severus, "Are you feeling alright? Did you eat before you left?"

Severus gave her a small smile. It warmed his heart to see that she was concerned about him. She had been so distant the past year, rightfully so, but it hurt nonetheless.

"Are you hungry? I am sure we can go eat." Amilia reached for his hand and stopped when she saw the bruises on his wrists.

Her thoughts floated over to him like leaves on a breeze. First, they were thoughts of rage and revenge, vowing to deal with whoever cuffed him too tightly when he was in the hospital, just like she had the Carrows. This puzzled Severus.

Then she fought the flashbacks that started to slither into her mind, the pain of her childhood and the loss of a child. Then she thought of Jordan and how she had lost her too. She did not know which loss hurt more.

Severus sighed and whispered, "It hurts to eat."

"We have a food court here." The Auror said.

Amilia rolled her eyes, "Something a little more private. There's a Muggle place nearby."

The Auror sneered, "If you think of escaping—"

Amilia stepped up to the witch, "Escape what? We're not in a cell and we're not in chains. And if we did decide to run, what would you do? Kill us in front of Muggles? That would not look good on your record."

Severus's brow furrowed in intrigue and confusion.

"You have two hours and then he goes back to St Mungo's." The Auror crossed her arms over her chest.

Amilia smiled at the woman and took Severus's hand, leading him to the nearest exit with the witch following behind.

Severus closed his eyes, holding his cup of coffee. It was too hot to drink, and the mug was too hot to have, but he did not care. It was warm and reminded him of better times.

Amilia had ordered food for them and was busy scribbling away on her bracelet. When she was done, she smiled at him, "They will arrive around 2 pm on the twenty sixth."

"Good." He said softly. The day before their daughter's second birthday. He could see the excitement and fear in his wife's eyes.

"Are you going to go through with the treatment for your throat?" She asked.

Severus opened his mouth and closed it again. He hadn't had time to think about it. He still had bandages on his neck from the snake, much like the rest of his body.

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