Chapter 121

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"Severus?" Amilia called. This is irritating. She was on time, but like usual, he was nowhere to be found. 

She wandered around the room, "I suppose none of you know where he went?"

One Headmaster's portrait in a bronze-colored frame leaned forward, his brown eyes surveying Amilia as her, "He took some items from the shelf behind the desk and went upstairs. I assume he left the castle."

Amilia sighed and said, "Did you see what he took?"

"Not exactly, it was a box. He has fiddled around with it several times this year."

Amilia scowled. Her question was answered, but it did not annoy her any less. "Thank you," she craned her neck, reading the name on the frame, "Professor Dippet."

He tipped his head at her and then settled into his chair. Other Headmasters followed his lead.

Amilia took the time to wander around again, trailing her fingers along the spines of the books long unused. Amilia wondered if what the boy had said about Harry was true. He would certainly go down in history if he had broken into Gringotts. But then again, Harry was already a part of history as The Boy Who Lived. First Hogwarts and now the Bank. Is anything genuinely safe anymore?

She walked over to the fireplace and stared at it; the bank had fallen under Wizard control, so maybe they had let some defenses and protections slip despite the Goblins still running it. "No, that does not make sense. The Goblins would not allow that." If anything, the defenses and protections would have been increased, much like Lord Voldemort had ordered for Hogwarts. 

Severus had sealed off all the hidden exits and secret passageways, and a Caterwauling Charm had been placed on the ground and in Hogsmead. The Death Eaters would swarm if anyone had entered or was out after curfew.

Amilia shook her head; there was no use in worrying until it was confirmed. 

The familiar sound of someone arriving on the balcony pulled Amilia away from the fireplace. "Severus?!"

She could hear footsteps dash across the room upstairs and race down the steps. Severus lunged for her as he reached the bottom step, his arms wrapping around her as his lips crashed against hers.

Amilia gasped for air, pushing Severus away. "What happened?"

Severus planted his lips on her forehead, his hands on either side of her face. "It is true."

"What is true?" Amilia said, trying to wiggle out of his hands.


Amilia blinked, "What?"

"The Dark Lord believes that the boy is going to come here."

"What?" Amilia repeated.

Severus pressed his lips against her forehead again and lifted her chin, "Time has run out, my love."

Amilia clutched the lockets with a shaky hand; her breath caught in her throat, and her mind raced. Raced with what? Everything and nothing all at the same time.

Severus tipped her chin up further and kissed her. His left hand dropped to her waist, pulling her closer, and his right hand grabbed some of her hair, "Do not check out now love," he mumbled against her lips.

"Severus, we have to prepare everyone." Amilia turned her head.

Severus pulled his head back briefly. "We cannot. We have to let this play out." 

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