Chapter 2

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A couple of weeks passed, and Severus finally returned to the cottage. Storm clouds were rolling in, and the lights were off. He walked through the gate, dropped his bag inside the door, and swiftly entered the bedroom. Amilia was asleep; the comforter pulled up to her chin. He stood there for a moment before crawling into bed with her.

She felt his warmth when he lay down, and her eyes flew open. "Oh thanks the gods, you are back!"

"I did not mean to wake you." He replied between her kisses.

"No matter when you come, I will always wake up."

Severus snorted and pulled her face away from him. "I just want to sleep. It has been a long day."

Amilia nodded and laid her head on the pillow, "You should get changed."

He glanced down at his clothes, "You are right. I will be right back." He returned shortly, and she placed her head on his bare chest. "What have you been doing these past few weeks?"

"Lesson planning and gardening. Some tomatoes are coming in."

"Hmm a chilled tomatoes soup actually sounds good right now."

She giggled, "I can make that. How is...well work?"

Severus sighed; he did not want to discuss it with her since he had just gotten there, but he promised not to keep secrets. "The Dark Lord is trying to bolster his numbers again, along with trying to locate something he is missing."

"What does Dumbledore think?" She said quietly.

"He is unsure as well. However, he has given me information to pass along."

"I see."

"Now, close you eyes and go to sleep."

Amilia swatted at his chest, "I am wide awake."

Severus lightly spanked her, "I know but tomorrow we have somewhere to be."

She lifted her head, curiosity sparkling in her eyes, "Are we finally going on a date?"

He shook his head, "Go to sleep."

Amilia pouted but laid her head down.

The soft alarm of the clock went off, waking both of them. Amilia pulled on her robe and scampered into the kitchen. Severus could hear dishes clattering and the stove turn on. "Do not cook anything!"

"What?" She peeked her head around the doorway.

Severus buttoned his shirt, "just get dressed. We need to get going."

Amilia grumbled as she pushed past him, throwing on a skirt and blouse. "I just wanted coffee."

"There will be coffee. I promise." He said as he laced up his boots, listening to her mutter about how it had better be the best coffee in the world.

When she was dressed, she met him in the living room. "Where are we going?"

"Do you have your wand?"

Amilia lifted the hem of her skirt, showing the holster. Severus grinned sheepishly before shaking the thoughts out of his head.

"Take this." He handed her a bag; she peeked inside. "It is just clothes darling."

"Do I need to being Edgar?"

He shook his head and offered his hand, "not this time."

Amilia took it and stifled a giggle as he pulled her close. With a loud pop, they were gone.

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