Chapter 109

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Severus's face had snapped to the side with the force of his wife's slap. He was enraged that she had done that to him after their discussion years ago, but he could not bring himself to react. He stared at the floor, tasting a little blood in his mouth from biting his cheek upon impact.

Slowly and carefully, he turned to look back at Amilia. She stood there, her shoulders squared, jaw set, and an unfettered rage burning in her eyes.


"Shut up." Her hands flashed quickly as she swatted at his arms and chest. "Just shut up!"

Severus stepped back from the barrage of insults spewing as she kept hitting him. "Amilia! I am sorry!" He grabbed her arms just above the elbows and spun her around, his back facing the door to the hallway.

"You're sorry! You're sorry!" She shrieked. "I will fucking show you sorry!" She stepped forward and shoved him.

Severus's arms flailed as he tried to steady himself, briefly taking his eyes off her to straighten himself out.


Severus felt his feet slip under him as he was knocked back and lay prone on the bedroom floor.

Amilia crossed the room and straddled him, her wands inches from his eye. Severus stared at her as her wand hand shook, and she grabbed the collar of his shirt in her fist. "Calling me a slut and leaving me at the altar had been your most unforgiving acts ever but this takes the damn cake!"

Severus wanted to talk, but it was as if she had cast a spell to keep him from speaking. And perhaps she had. He would never know with her affinity for nonverbal magic, but it did not feel like it.

"First you send my daughter away and then you leave me behind!" Tears welled up in her eyes. "Left me behind enemy lines! Enemies that you caused because I was forced back into servitude! I didn't want that and you knew it! I should be with her!"

"Do it."

Amilia's brows furrowed. She lowered her wand for a moment, then raised it again. Severus took that moment and grabbed the wrist of the hand that clutched his collar and lifted his hips, causing her to tip over. As he flipped her over, he smacked her wand out of her hand.

Amilia landed on her back with a jarring thud as Severus took hold of her other wrist and pinned her hands next to her head.

Severus watched as her rage gave way to panic as she struggled to escape his grip. "Let me go!" Amilia bucked underneath him, trying to get him off of her. She looked around furiously for her wand, spying it by the door. She opened her fist and tried to summon it to her.

Severus could hear it rattle on the floor, and he pressed into her, breaking her concentration. "You should have done it when you had the chance."

"Get off of me!" Amilia locked her crazed eyes with his.

"You need to calm down. Let me explain."

"Explain what!?" Amilia continued to wiggle beneath him. "That you are a fucking coward! Too scared to come back for me."

Severus growled and tightened his grip on her wrists, sending another wave of panic over her. "I am not a coward."

Amilia lowered her voice, pleading, "Let go please."

"Are you going to listen to me?"

"I said let go!" Amilia roared, and he felt a force hit him in the chest, causing him to lose his grip. Amilia frantically scrambled away.

Severus snarled, "stop using magic against me! I'm not doing that to you!" He grabbed her ankle and jerked her back to him. He could hear her nails scrap against the floor. He flipped her over as he straddled her. Her hands covered her face, and her chest rose and fell quickly. "Just calm down."

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