Chapter 73

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Amilia sat in the chair as Kylie held Jordan. "She is absolutely darling!"

Amilia smiled, "Thank you."

"You did it all by yourself, without Severus helping?" Aaron asked, a little annoyed.

Amilia chewed her lip, "He had work and was away. It was not his choice to miss her birth." Severus had left to get some snacks but took his sweet time. She wondered if he was trying to give her some time without him around; he knew that Aaron was still not fond of him.

"You would think that he would have taken off work until after she was born."

"It is."

"It's not like that." Kylie interrupted, somewhat annoyed, "No one can predict when a baby is coming. It is not like Ami planned to go into labor that day."

"I know but."

"No." Kylie said firmly; she handed Jordan back to Amilia. "I understand you do not like Severus, but believe me when I say that he is making an effort."

Anthony shifted in his seat, uncomfortable, "She has a point."

Aaron shot him a dirty look, "I just do not understand how you could be with someone who hurt you like that!" Aaron stood up, "I just can't!" He walked out of the room.

Amilia held onto Jordan tightly; this is not how I wanted today to go.

Anthony sighed, "I will go see to him."

"Do not let that get you down." Kylie said sharply; she sighed, "If Eric, of all people, can be polite despite his feelings, Aaron can do it to."

"Eric did not see the immediate aftermath." Amilia said softly, rubbing her fingers over Jordan's hand.

"You are right, however, I did. I know I do not agree with him on some things but you are more important." Kylie stood up and leaned over the little bundle in Amilia's arms, "She is more important and as long as the two of you are happy then that is all that matters."

Severus stepped out of the kitchen, a basket full of cheese and crackers, fruit, shredded pork and chicken, and butterbeer. He wondered if it would be enough and was not watching where he was going when he bumped into someone. "What the bloody hell?"

"Seriously, you cannot help but hurt people can you!?"

Severus looked up; Aaron was nursing his foot, "What?"

Aaron rolled his eyes, "Did you seriously not think any of this through? Are you going to run away again!?"

Severus stared at the man, confused.

"Honestly, it is not just Amilia now. You went ahead and made a new life and Jordan is going to have to suffer if you leave again because it all becomes too much!"

"Aaron! That is enough!" Anthony appeared in the hallway.

"What! I have a right to know!"

"No, you don't! Only Amilia does and if she is satisfied that is all that matters!"

Severus glanced between the two men, "Are you still on that?"

"Yes!" Aaron snapped, "You hurt her so much, I honestly thought she was going to end it all."

Severus raised his eyebrows, "I did not know that."

"Of course you don't! You only think about yourself!"

"Aaron!" Anthony shouted.

"I am right though!"

"No, you are not." Severus sat flatly, "I think about her everyday, I wonder if she is happy and when I am away for work, I wonder if she is safe. I am more concerned about her quality of life than I am my own. Do I have my faults? Yes. Have I made mistakes? Yes, but I am doing my damndest to make up for it."

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