Chapter 14

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The staff sat at their table in the Great Hall the following morning. Post was coming in, the ceiling filled with owls and birds of varying colors, each carrying a letter or package. Edgar dropped down on the table before Amilia, the Daily Prophet, in his clutches. Amilia tossed him a strip of bacon, and he took off, flying past Professor Umbridge. Amilia watched him leave and saw the dissatisfied and enraged look on the woman's face. Amilia gave her a startling sweet smile before opening the paper.

Delores Umbridge was Appointed as the "High Inquisitor" of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Ministry seeking Educational Reform.

Amilia slammed the paper down, the silverware rattling, drawing the attention of both Minerva and Severus. She rose from her seat and rushed off to her office. Education reform? What the bloody hell does that mean! Her door slammed shut behind her as she began to pace her office. "I should not have left the paper there." She paused and gazed into her classroom, "What does that mean for the students?"

Severus picked up the paper and quickly scanned the headlines; carefully, he looked up, pretending to be uninterested, as he looked down the table at the Headmaster, who appeared to be reading the paper as well. Still, the tightness in his fingers showed Severus everything he needed to know.

"What ever set Miss Amilia off that way?" Umbridge said cheerily.

"The news about Sirius Black, no doubt." Severus said coldly, "She has friends that reside in London." His eyes scanned the long tables filled with students. A sharp outcry came from the Gryffindor table; Harry and his friends glared at the pink woman. Severus looked away; he did not want them to think he was going along with it. He quietly but quickly finished his breakfast and strolled through the tables on his way out into the main corridor.

Inside her office, Amilia stewed over the headline; she wanted to know more but refused to be in the same room with the woman. Of course, it would also look strange since she stormed off the way she did, came back in, snatched up the paper, and left once more. No, I should stay here—less drama to worry about. Besides, I also need to figure out why Severus did not tell me about his little fight with Bill.

"Your thoughts are loud my love."

Amilia's head snapped up, her eyes boring into Severus's face, "Why are you here?"

"To bring you this." He held up the paper.

Amilia held out her hand, "Accio Daily Prophet." The paper flew out of his hand and into hers. She opened it up and began to read what she did not the first time.

"What the bloody hell does it mean when it says that she will inspect her fellow educators?"

"I do not know." Severus shook his head, "Perhaps Minerva will be able to shed light on that."

Almost as if she had been summoned, the veteran witch strolled into Amilia's office and conjured a second chair. "What that means, is that Delores will be able to what us teach and then decide if we are worth keeping or not."

Amilia's jaw hit the floor, "Are you serious? She cannot possibly do that! Dumbledore is the only one with that kind of authority."

"It used to be that way," Minerva grumbled, "That is not the case now."

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