2 Playboy

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Royal suite, Moon Palace Hotel, New York City

Boun was woken up by the ringing of his phone.

He stretched his hands to the nightstand searching for the phone.

Boun picked up the call even without looking at who it was from.

"Hello," Boun said in his sleepy voice.

"Boun, don't tell me you are not up yet. Did you forget that we have a flight to catch in two hours" The caller at the other end screamed.

Boun rubbed his eyes and looked at the time. It was already afternoon.

The alcohol he had last night was giving him a headache.

"Open the door. I am outside." The caller commanded.

Boun jumped up at those words, scaring the busty redhead cuddling in his arms.

"Wait a moment, Phi. I will be right there." Boun hung up the phone hurriedly.

"Who was that, honey?" the woman asked as she watched Boun put on his bathrobe in a hurry.

"I'm sorry, babe. But you have got to go." Boun replied in a perfect American accent.

"What happened? Didn't we have fun last night?"

"You were absolutely amazing last night, babe. But my manager is here. I have to get to work." Boun said caressing her cheeks.

The redhead started dressing up lazily. She was apparently unwilling to leave. She found Boun very charming that she wanted to keep in touch.

Boun tactically rejected her. This was not the first time something like this happened.

Boun was used to such situations. He had his own ways of rejecting people without making them feel bad.

Boun hated attachments. Especially with the people he picked for one-night stands.

After convincing the redhead to leave, Boun opened the suite door allowing Bosston to walk inside.

Bosston watched as the lady leave the room after giving him a glance. He turned to Boun who was picking out his clothes.

Bosston felt that Boun would be the death of him. He could see Boun's smirking face. He badly wanted to wipe off that smirk from Boun's face.

"Really Boun? Did you party last night? I can't believe this." Bosston said trying his level best not to explode in anger.

"Come on P' Ton. I had to relax and loosen up a bit. My schedule has been hectic for the last few months." Boun shrugged.

"You are talking as if you were not partying all these months. Even though you think I know nothing about the things you do behind my back, I have been watching you all this while."

"I know phi"

"If you know, then why do you always have to do things that would rise my blood pressure?"

Boun gave Bosston a wide smile as a reply.

"Boun, I am not joking with you. Didn't I tell you not to go party last night? We have a flight to catch. Are you even a bit bothered? And these hookups. How many people have you slept with till now? Do you use protection? Or else you might end up getting some STDs. I am telling you now, I don't want to deal with those."

There were times when Bosston seriously regretted taking up the job as Boun's manager. Back then he had thought that Boun was highly talented and worth investing his time in. Even though his assumptions were correct, Boun was a big troublemaker. Controlling him was out of the question. All he could do was clean up after Boun.

"I never forget protection Phi. So don't worry."

"Huh! Something to be proud of. What I don't understand is why you even have to hook up with people."

"I hook up to satisfy the beast within me phi. You will not understand."

"If you want to satisfy the beast then start dating someone, be in a relationship."

"Ho phi, dating is for gentlemen like you, not for me," Boun smirked. He walked into the washroom to freshen up while Bosston packed his luggage.

"Speaking of relationships, when are you going to introduce your girlfriend to me?" Boun asked as he blow-dried his hair.

Bosston starred at Boun without saying anything.

"You want to meet my girlfriend?" Bosston scoffed.

"Why? Are you afraid that I would seduce your girlfriend? Chill phi. I wouldn't go for your girlfriend. From what I have heard from you, she is totally not my type. So don't worry."

"My girlfriend too wants to meet you," Bosston said with a fake smile.

"Aw? What to do? I am so charming that ladies can't resist me." Boun put on his jacket.

"Yeah. She really wants to meet the 'charming' person who keeps disrupting our dates and keeps giving her boyfriend headaches."

"When did I ever do that?" Boun pouted.

"When have you not? The minute you leave my surveillance, you start causing trouble. Do you know how many times I had to leave our date halfway to solve the problems you created? If it was someone else, they would have already broken up with me."

"Isn't that why I pay you an extra bonus as compensation, phi? You can just get her some branded bags or jewelry with that. Girls love such things. She will be happy."

"My girlfriend is not much into girly stuff like that."

"Whatever you say." Boun chuckled.

The doorbell rang again.

"Looks like the breakfast is here." Bosston opened the door letting the bellboy bring in the food.

Boun sat down and began eating.

"Don't forget to take the hangover medicine once you are done with your breakfast. I don't want to take care of you during the flight."

"I always thought that men in love turn compassionate and yet you have turned more heartless, phi."

"Compassionate? Towards the guy who is the biggest obstacle in my love life? Dream on."

"Aw, phi. How could you blame it on me? I am completely innocent." Boun pouted.

"Just finish your food. We need to leave as soon as possible. The traffic can be bad at this time of the day."

Bosston left Boun alone to finish his food.

After breakfast, Boun packed his essentials in a handbag. After double-checking that he had not left anything behind, he gathered the luggage together.

By then, Bosston returned.

"The reception just called; the cab is here. Let's go." Bosston said as he handed the luggage to the bellboy.

Boun started flirting with the receptionist while Bosston was settling the checkout procedures.

The receptionist was blushing as they were talking with Boun.

Bosston wanted to smack Boun on the back of his head but controlled himself as they were in a public place.

'This idiot can't stay still for even a second'. Bosston thought as he apologized to the receptionists and dragged Boun away.

The bellboy had already loaded their luggage in the cab.

Boun and Bosston entered the cab and left the hotel for the airport.

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