38. Green

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“Boun, don’t forget the things I told you. You have to be polite and try your best to get along with him and absolutely no hooking up with him. I am underlining that.” Bosston said in a stern tone.

“Khrab, Phi” Boun said dismissively as he continued to play with his phone.

Boun and Bosston were waiting to meet Green, Boun’s partner for the Bl series. After not being able to get in touch with Prem, Boun’s character was turning more and more irritable day by day.

“I am sorry to have kept you waiting.” Foei, the casting director of the series, entered the room followed by two men.

Everyone greeted each other.

Foei introduced Green and Boun to each other formally before getting into a discussion about their future activities together. As the second bl couple the agency was going to nurture after Ohm’s couple, they had a lot of activities to do.

Boun didn’t know why, but he had instantly disliked Green the moment he laid his eyes on the latter. He didn’t know if it was because of Green’s weird dressing style or the overwhelming smell of deodorant coming off his body. He was feeling uncomfortable around Green. Nonetheless, Boun tried his best not to show his displeasure on his face as he listened to the two managers discuss with the casting director.

Green who was sitting opposite Boun was staring at him intently. If eyes could rape, Boun would have been pregnant by now. That lustrous look Green was throwing at him made Boun want to beat the crap out of the guy.

April who was sitting beside Boun, obviously noticed that there was something wrong with the way Green was looking at Boun. She was on full guard to protect her artist in case the other party did something inappropriate. As much as she hated Boun’s cockiness, she respected his professionalism. She didn’t want her doubts to ruin Boun’s future percepts. Hence, she chose to wait and watch.

The discussion took a few hours.

“Starting from tomorrow N’ Green will join the acting classes with N’ Boun,” Foei announced at the end of the meeting.

Everyone bid goodbye to everyone. Green offered his hands for a handshake with Boun, which the latter hesitantly excepted. Green held Boun’s hands for a few extra seconds. As someone who was well experienced in flirting with people, how could Boun not understand what Green was trying to do? But he decided to act fool and ignored the other party.

After making sure that they were gone Boun took out his sanitizer and sanitized his hands.

“P’ Ton, I feel that something is not right about that guy. He-” April was interrupted by Bosston.

“I know what you are trying to say. He has already made a move on Boun. But all we can do now is to keep an eye out for him. The guy had already signed the contract with the company. Changing him is going to be difficult.” Bosston said glancing at Boun. “You did a good job today.”

“Come on, P’ Ton. No matter how desperate I am, I wouldn’t pick someone like him. I have some standards. I just can’t believe someone like him managed to join SZ and was able to get a chance in such a huge project.” Boun’s face cringed in disgust.

SZ Entertainment was the agency Boun was signed under. It was one of the entertainment giants of Thailand and was owned by Kao and Ohm. The bl project that Boun was taking part in was one of the biggest projects of the agency for the year as it is their first bl series. Bl was a new genre the agency was trying to venture into and Ohm had been very particular that all the details of the series.

Boun couldn’t believe that Ohm had actually made such a big slip-up by letting Green sign up for the series.

He walked out of the room. He noticed a small crowd of people outside a room. He stopped in his tracks and turned around on his heels to check out what was going on.

Inside the room, he saw a guy and a girl dancing to a song in a contemporary style. The duo was doing a dance cover for some song he didn’t recognize. They seemed to be in their own world as they danced in front of the camera.

Boun immediately identified the guy. That was Fluke, the guy his beloved cousin Ohm was going crazy over. Ohm was in full fanboy mode whenever Fluke was mentioned. Ohm was too whipped over Fluke. He had even poached Fluke from his previous agency and got him to join SZ in the name of the series.

Boun watched the whole performance. It was shot in a single take. He had to admit that Fluke was talented. Ohm did have an eye for talent.

But Boun felt that Ohm had other intentions towards the cute little guy, who was dancing to the music without knowing the trap his cousin had set up for him. Watching Ohm’s actions these days made him highly doubt that Ohm was into men just like himself and Kao.

Boun was sure that his paternal grandparents that is Ohm’s maternal grandparents would definitely have a heart attack if his guess was true. Ohm was the apple of their eye. If he turns out to be into men, there is no way they would be able to bare it. Just the thought of his grandparents getting annoyed made Boun smile.

His previous foul mood from meeting Green went away.

The loud cheers from the crowd interrupted his stream of thoughts. He saw the two young idols had successfully finished their performance and was watching the replay on the cameraman’s monitor.

Boun thought of introducing himself to Fluke. After all, they were going to take part in the same series. Then he hesitated. If he introduced himself first, his cousin might end up losing his chance. And if something like that were to happen, Ohm would surely kill him. So, Boun decided not to proceed.

He watched from a distance how the two people interacted with each other and with the other people in the room. Fluke did seem to be the easy-to-get-along kind that was humble and hardworking. Fluke was interacting with everyone in the room flashing them his cute smile.

Yes, Boun did find Fluke cute but not as cute as his Pao. He facepalmed when he found himself thinking about Prem again.

Shaking his head, he tried to concentrate on observing Fluke who was able to melt the huge ice block named Ohm.

“Looks like you are going you have a lot of competition here, Ohm.” Boun snickered watching Fluke being coveted by men and women alike.

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