189. Talk

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"You better say out of things that are unrelated to you," Prem said to Boun coldly. He didn't care who was watching.

He was completely annoyed that Boun kept interrupting him. Fluke had gone into the OT along with his mother.

Only, Prem, Boun, Ohm, Sammy, Earth and Ohm's parents were there.

"Prem, Boun didn't mean it like that," Ohm said defensively. He didn't want them to have an argument over the matter.

"I don't think 'you' are in any position to comment on this, P' Ohm" Prem said glancing at Ohm.

He was really enraged that both Boun and Ohm had taken JJ's side and had shifted the blame to them while not knowing what JJ had actually done. He was sure that whatever happened there had hurt Fluke so much.

"Prem, son, everyone is just tensed about everything that-" Ann stepped forward to pacify Prem.

"I never heard any news about the Ripraserts going bankrupt," Prem said interrupting Ann mid-sentence.

Ann was shocked by the statement. "What made you say that?"

"If not, I am sure that you would have been able to hire an event management company to arrange P' Ohm's engagement," Prem stated.

"Prem, stop it!" Boun tried to hold Prem back but it only got Prem angrier.

"Why should I stop, Hia? Isn't it because she wanted to go around to do her hoo-hoo-haa-haa that she asked Fluke to do all the work? If not for her, do you think that Fluke would have been dragged into all this and made to take all the blame for their soon-to-be daughter-in-law's actions?" Prem asked fearlessly.

"PREM!" Boun was enraged. He couldn't stand Prem disrespecting Ann.

"Prem, let's go," Sammy nudged him. She knew that Prem was about to blow up.

Earth didn't bother talking he directly dragged Prem away from the scene.

As the three friends left, Boun looked at Ann and Seth who stood frozen on their spot.

"I will go check on Fame's parents," Ohm excused himself. Prem's words had hit a raw nerve in his head. He didn't want to think about it.

"Mae, don't take his words into your heart," Boun held Ann's hand.

"He didn't say anything wrong, Boun. If not for me asking Fluke to do the arrangements, those people wouldn't have busted out at that kid" Ann said feeling guilty.

Seeing the way Ohm walked away, she was sure that he agreed with Prem.

"We had indeed neglected Ohm too much. " She sobbed in her husband's hand.

After she gave birth to Ohm she went into postpartum depression. She refused to breastfeed the baby or bond with him. Left with no other option, they had to hire a nanny to breastfeed the baby.

Her condition developed into postpartum psychosis causing her paranoia. Seth stayed by her side and took care of her leaving the baby in his parents' care.

With treatment, Ann slowly started coming back to her daily life, indulging in her career.

By the time she was fully recovered, Ohm was already three years old and had developed a distinct, independent personality. No matter how much they tried to bond with him, the kid always kept a distance from them.

They badly wanted to make up for their negligence and had always been the supportive parents that every child would dream of having. But, Ohm being Ohm, was way mature for a child his age and never required them to worry over him.

In the midst of all this, she met Boun who was clingy and loved to seek attention. Boun was exactly the kind of child she wanted. Unknowingly, she started spending more time with Boun. Little did she realize that the more time she spent with Boun, the thicker the wall between her son and her got.

"Mae, don't worry about Ohm. I am sure he will understand your intentions if you explain it to him. " Boun wanted the relationship between Ohm and his parents to be patched up the same way his relationship with Tessa.

He had a long conversation with his mother not long ago and that really helped him clear all the doubts and misunderstandings between them.

He had completely reconciled with his family. Tessa was trying her best to make it up to him and vice versa.

"I hope so too. " Ann looked hopefully at her son who stood at the other end of the corridor.

Boun left the couple and headed to the canteen. The rest of them were gathered there.

Despite having an argument with him, Prem had already ordered food for him and was waiting for him to start eating.

The whole table was silent as they ate. Boun wanted to start a conversation but kept his mouth shut sending the atmosphere.

After lunch, Kal dragged Boun away to explain who JJ was and what made Prem so angry.

"It wasn't your fault, Sammy. Stop blaming yourself. If it's anyone's fault, then it is Fame's. She couldn't accept that the person she had been in love with all these years was gay. " Earth said with a sigh.

"But if it had played out some other way, maybe she wouldn't have tried to kill herself. Nor will Fluke have had to listen to all those insults they said. " Sammy said with her head hung low.

"Sammy, the truth had to come out anyway. Moreover, Fluke had always rejected her advances. It was her who couldn't take a hint on this matter. " Earth added.

Sammy wasn't just sad because of the incident but also because they had met JJ earlier. She was thankful that Earth wasn't around when JJ was there or else all the details of the traumatic experience would have come to him and he might have gotten a panic attack.

"And you Prem, the way you talked to Pa Ann was really rude. You should apologize to her before Fluke finds out. " Earth reprimanded.

" I know. I was just too pissed back then to think straight. " Prem was already railed up when he met JJ, with Boun constantly getting on his nerves since morning.

"You should apologise to P' Boun as well. He had just passed a difficult phase of his life. If you are planning on staying with him for a long term, try to uncomplicate as many things as possible." Earth advise.

Prem hummed and said nothing.

When Boun came back with Kao, everyone split up. Earth decided to stay in the hospital to take care of Fluke. Kao had to take care of the media press as he didn't want the situation to be spread to the public. Sammy took a taxi back home.

Boun and Prem drove back together. The car was engulfed in silence.

"I am sorry!" Both of them said simultaneously.

They smiled at each other hearing the apology.

"I am sorry that I yelled at you and Pa Ann" Prem apologised.

"And I am sorry I tried to interfere without knowing what was going on." Boun too accepted his mistakes and apologised.

For some reason, both of them felt a huge load being lifted up from their shoulders by a mere apology.

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