51. Attempt

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“Gege, I think you should at least try talking to him.” Fun Xiaoman sat next to Boun on the couch.

“It’s not easy, Manman.” Boun clenched his blonde hair.

It had been two weeks since he had met Prem again. Ever since that day, they have been seeing each other every day at work. Prem would always keep a respectable distance from him with a ‘work-only’ attitude.

Boun found it more and more annoying when Prem started addressing him as phi than Hia.

“What’s so difficult about it? Didn’t you say yourself that you feel comfortable talking to him and you guys used to have smooth conversations? Then what happened now?” Fu Xiaoman scooped up her ice cream and eat it.

During their last photoshoot together, Boun had told Fu Xiaoman about Prem. She was looking forward to meeting Prem, who was able to affect Boun to that extent. But when she got to Bangkok, she got to know about the cold war going on between Boun and Prem.

“It’s awkward, Manman. It is so damn awkward. He doesn’t even look at me when we are alone. He is acting so distinct with me that…Ah…it’s so frustrating.” Boun was breathing heavily by the end of the sentence.

“Gege, first of all, you need to calm down. You have to take the initiative and talk to him. There is no other way around.”

“But, I…”

“You were the one who ditched him Gege. He didn’t leave you. You have to own up to your mistake and provide him with an explanation.”

“What explanation should I provide? Should I tell him that I am scared of being with him or should I cook up a story?”

“Tell him the truth, Gege. Tell him that you miss him. Tell him that you regret leaving him behind. Just talk to him. Following his plan and acting like strangers is not going to work. You guys have to bring back that chemistry between you and him.”

“Easier said than done.” Boun scoffed.

Throwing the empty ice cream tub in the waste bin, Fu Xiaoman turned around to look at Boun. “Since you aren’t going to do it, I will. After all, all these were partially my fault.”

“Manman, NO!”

Fu Xiaoman didn’t listen to Boun and started walking towards the door.

“Fu Xiaoman, I said don’t.” Boun ran up to her trying to block her way but failed to do so as she was agile.

Boun was angered and he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up. “You are not going anywhere. I know what to do.”

Neither Boun nor Fu Xiaoman noticed Prem standing at the door watching those intimate actions. He saw Fu Xiaoman giggling as Boun tickled her. The two looked happy together.

Prem clenched his fist and took a few steps back. He decided not o enter the room until Sia, their acting coach arrives. He took out his noise-cancelling earphones and connected them to his phone before playing the playlist that he usually listens to before entering a tournament. Those songs always helped him calm his mind.

Bosston was observing Prem from a distance. He was relieved by the way Prem had reacted to the whole situation. From the way Boun and Prem were behaving, Bosston was sure that things were not as simple as just sleeping together. He was afraid that if the problem escalates, he might not be able to take sides or defend or support any one of them.

Prem felt his head clearing up as the songs played one by one in his ears. He was having a tough time working with Boun while avoiding having a private with him. It had become tougher since Fu Xiaoman showed up two days ago. The duo was all sweet and chummy, always talking to each other in whispers as if they wanted to rub it on his face.

Prem was hurt but had to put up with it for the sake of keeping the job. He had considered this job as a golden opportunity that God had presented to him and he was not going to let it go because of a jerk. He wanted to do well in everything he was assigned to do and make a name for himself in the entertainment industry. If one day when he will no longer be able to remain a tennis player, he could use this as a backup plan.

True to his words, Bosston had found Prem a few gigs which were huge from the aspect of a rookie model. Prem was thankful to Bosston for the opportunities that he had gotten after he joined SZ.

It didn’t take long for their acting coach, Sia to get there. Prem immediately removed his earphones and went into the room along with Sia. He could see Fu Xiaoman looking at him and whispering something to Boun. He decided to ignore the duo and concentrate on Sia.

Sia called Prem up and gave him a scene to enact. Prem cleared his mind and gave his best shot at the scene, gaining approval from Sia. She asked him how he had interpreted the character’s feelings in that scene and Prem explained without hesitation.

“Prem, you are doing a good job.” Sia, who was known to be stingy with praises was showering Prem with praises. “You should use some time to give pointers to your partner.” Sia eyed Boun who was busy talking to Fu Xiaoman in whispers.

Feeling Sia’s gaze, Boun looked up.

“Or else he will drag you down.” Sia completed her sentence.

“Khrab.” Prem gave her a small smile.

Boun was discussing with Fu Xiaoman how to start a conversation with Prem, was confused as to why he was being looked down on all of a sudden. He knew that Prem’s acting skills were good and that made Prem Sia’s pet.

Sia would make sarcastic comments about his average acting and would point out his flaws without sugarcoating anything. He was alright about it before but when it started happening in front of Prem, he felt bad. It was as if his perfect image was ruined.

Sia then called Fu Xiaoman, who had joined her class for learning acting. She was given a similar task to Prem.

Boun used this opportunity to sneak closer to Prem, who was treating him as if he was thin air. He sat close to Prem who seemed to be engrossed in reading the script Sia had given them. He started wondering if the script was more interesting than he himself.

Boun fake coughed and made small noises to get Prem’s attention and ended up attracting Sia’s attention. Sia send him a warning glare that made him shut up. He looked pitifully at Prem but was ignored without mercy as always.

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