80. Resort

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Prem felt excitement rushing through his veins when he held the tennis racket in his hands. It had been more than eight months since he had touched it.

Standing on the tennis court, Prem smiled widely.

"You ready?" he heard a voice and looked up. He could see that his opponent, his best friend and his life's biggest rival grinning at him.

"Yup." Prem twirled the racket in his hands smirking.

"Players, it's time for the toss," Sammy said as a referee of the game.

"Heads," Prem called and Fluke shrugged.

Sammy tossed the fair coin and got a head.

"I will serve." Prem declared.

"Alright." The two players shook hands and headed to their side of the court.

With a whistle, the game started. Prem bounced the ball a few times before slamming the racket against it.

Initially, Prem had been worried that Fluke's skills must have gotten rusty after not having played for a while. But it seemed like his worries were misplaced as Fluke managed to win the first round. The adrenaline rush Prem had at that moment, remembering the days when he used to compete with Fluke at least once a week when they were young, was clearly reflected on his face.

He understood that he could go full force and didn't have to hold back just because Fluke wasn't a professional player.

In the second round, Prem claimed the victory, but at the cost of twisting his angle. Even though it was painful, he still continued to play. He was thankful that Fluke didn't notice it or he would have gotten an earful.

In a total of five rounds, Fluke still took the lead by a point and won. Prem wasn't disappointed instead he felt more driven at the moment.

Prem was so immersed in the game that he hadn't noticed that the person he had been longing to meet was watching him for a while. When he finally saw that face, Prem forgot that he was injured for a second and tried to run to him.

He winced in pain as he applied pressure on his sprained leg. He covered up the pain and slowly made his way to the bench with Fluke, where everyone was waiting for him.

Prem could feel the intensity of the gaze Boun was directing at him, making him blush. There were too many people around them for him to throw himself at Boun. He knew that none of them would judge him if he did that but he was too shy to do so.

He looked at his best friend who was squatting in front of him, applying an ice pack on his injured leg. He could hear the latter lecturing him for playing with an injured leg. But none of those words seemed to enter his brain. His attention was on the silver-blonde guy standing in front of him.

"Go easy on him. He is injured." Fluke winked at Boun.

"You shouldn't have let him play." Boun sulked. He had been asked to stay away from his Pao for the sake of letting the younger rest and this little prick named Fluke made him injured.

"It was not my idea to compete." Fluke shrugged innocently.

Seeing that Boun was about to start bickering with Fluke, Prem tugged his sleeves. "Hia, let's go."

Boun smiled at Prem's docile actions, scooping the latter up.

"Hia, what are you doing? Put me down." Prem was red as he blushed.

"Your legs are injured. Don't strain it." Boun smirked, taking his room card from Earth.

Fluke had invited the two cousins to spend the night at the resort where he and Prem had been 'hiding out' for the past few days. Boun had happily taken the offer before Ohm could object to the idea.

"What's with all these dark circles, Hia?" Prem caressed Boun's face as he sat on the older's lap in their room.

"How am I supposed to sleep when I am worried about your safety? But you don't seem to be bothered at all. You are having so much fun here without me." Boun's words were laced with sarcasm.

Prem scratched his none itchy cheek in embarrassment. Despite the whole chaos that was going on outside, he had been having a good time in the resort. Thanks to his rich best friend, he was getting VIP treatment in the resort.

"Aw na. I am sorry. I missed you." Prem pecked Boun's lips.

"You could have given me a call." Boun was still not giving up sulking. He loved it when Prem babied him.

"I wanted to. But Earth confiscated our phones because our locations were being tracked." Prem blinked innocently.

"Stop acting cute." Boun couldn't help but blush when Prem looked at him with puppy eyes.

Prem cupped Boun's face and kissed him on the lips. A simple kiss. But it conveyed all the love he had for the older.

"I am sorry for making you worried, Hia. I will make sure to keep in touch and update you on everything from today." Prem buried his face in the nape of Boun's neck, inhaling the familiar scent of mint.

"I heard you were attacked."

Prem hummed in response.


"I was not hurt, Hia." Prem raised his head and looked at Boun's eyes.

"Tell me what happened."

Prem recounted how he was attacked by some people who claimed to be anti-fans outside his villa by throwing glass bottles and stones at him. He was thankful that Fluke had arranged bodyguards for him as the scandal started and Fluke was attacked. The bodyguard had saved Prem from the attack and ended up being severely injured in his place.

"Hia, it's all over. Don't worry." Prem could see the anger in Boun's eyes as the latter clenched his jaws. "They had been caught and sent to the court for assault. I am safe, Hia."

"How can it be okay, Pao? Those people-" Prem placed his index finger on Boun's lips.

"Hush. Let's not talk about it now. We are meeting after so long and I don't want to talk about anything unpleasant." Prem licked Boun's neck, sucking hard on his Adam's apple.

"You want to skip the dinner?" Boun licked his lips, moaning.

"Nope. I will go take a shower. I am all sweaty." Prem jumped off Boun's lap with a smirk and ran to the washroom, slamming the door behind him.

It took a minute for Boun to come to his senses and comprehend what was happening. He knew that he got played by Prem.

"Pao, open up. I will scrub your back." Boun knocked on the washroom door. He tried to sound as sweet as he could. He wanted to make the younger open the door for him so that he could punish him.

"No thanks. I can scrub my back myself." Prem's voice came from inside.

Boun pouted and rolled his eyes at the door as he was already expecting the younger's response.

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