95. Hatred

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" You can come out now

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" You can come out now. " Fluke spoke after Boun left the study.

Prem came out of hiding with bloodshot eyes.

" How long have you been standing there? " Fluke asked monotonously. He had sensed Prem's presence earlier but was more interested in discussing with Boun that he didn't call the latter out. He felt that Prem being there would only sidetrack Boun.

" Long enough to hate you to the core. " Prem's voice was hoarse from crying. At that moment there was no one he hated more than Fluke.

Fluke tsked " Hate me all you want. I don't care. " He stood up from the couch.

" How can you be so heartless Fluke? You know his condition, yet you are pushing him to do everything by himself. It's no different from pushing a fly into a fire pit. " Prem gritted his teeth.

Fluke looked at Prem with a calm smile. " You are pretty worked up now, Prem. Let's talk after you calm down. "

"No. I want to talk now. " Prem forcefully grabbed Fluke's wrist stopping him from walking away.

Fluke looked down at the hand grabbing his wrist and then at Prem. " I think you should be utilizing your last moments with your Hia fruitfully. If I were you, I would have made use of every remaining second of your so-called love story with him instead of trying to win an argument you know you have no chance of winning."

" You" Prem clenched his fists in anger. "You are a bitch, Fluke."

Fluke raised his eyebrows and smirked at Prem provocatively. "Tell me something I don't know dear."

Prem was so angry that he wanted to wipe that smirk off Fluke's face. But he was helpless in this situation. He huffed and turned around leaving the room.

He paused at the door and looked at Fluke. " I hate you " His eyes were filled with tears of anger and hatred.

" But I love you. " Fluke blew him a kiss and winked.

Prem slammed the door behind him as he walked out.

Fluke sighed heavily. He didn't want to do this. He didn't want to separate the two love birds. But the fate had left him with no choice.

The dining table was awfully silent.

Neither Prem nor Fluke had touched their food.

"If you two had finished enjoying the beauty of the dish, can you please start eating?" Earth felt irritated seeing his two friends being silent.

He sat in between the two and looked at them alternatively. "Did someone die here? Is this a funeral hall? Are we mourning for someone's death?"

Still no reply.


Earth slammed his fist on the table making the other two people startled. "What the hell is going on here? Why are you two so silent? Did you have a fight or something?"

"No." Both of them replied in unison.

"What's with the rainy cloud hanging over your heads then?" Earth crossed his hands over his chest and leaned against the backrest of the chair as if waiting for them to speak.

"P' Boun has some problem with his family and he is going to be away." Fluke answered not being able to take Earth's intensive staring anymore. "that's why he is so down."

Earth rolled his eyes and looked at Prem. "Really, Prem? It had only been about an hour since P' Boun and P' Ohm left and you are sulking like this?"

Prem sulked and refused to speak.

"He is just too whipped." Fluke took a bite of the vegetable stir fry.

Prem glared at Fluke. "Hia is not P' Ohm, Fluke. I have to worry about him."

"Why do you have to drag him in between this? You know that I don't want to hear his name in the house." Fluke scowled.

"I was not dragging him between. I was just stating the facts. Hia is not like P' Ohm who would come back to you even if you push him away again and again."

Fluke's forehead creased.

"Why? Don't want to admit?" Prem smirked. "P' Ohm would do anything for you. Isn't that why you are so confident and putting on all this show?"

"Prem, are you trying to pick a fight with him so early in the morning?" Earth tried to push away Prem who was being aggressive.

Prem didn't pay any attention to Earth. His whole attention was concentrated on Fluke who was sitting opposite him staring at the food. "But Hia, he will not. Once he understands that he doesn't need me by his side, he wouldn't give me a second glance. He will go find someone else. I would be left on the shelf."

His words suddenly made his friends freeze for a second. They looked up at his face in shock.

"What's with that shocked look you guys are giving me, huh? Did you guys forget how he was? You guys would have but I haven't. I can never forget the feeling of being abandoned by him." Tears started flowing down his cheeks.

"Prem..." Fluke called in a small voice.

Prem sat back down on his seat and covered his face with his both hands and cried. "Things were finally getting on track. We were getting closer almost like a real couple. Why did it have to be like this? Why does everything start going wrong just when I start believing that everything is going to be alright? Why can't I ever find my happiness?"

Earth and Fluke looked at each other and stood up and went to hug Prem.

"Prem, things are not the way you think they are. P' Boun really had to go or else he would have never left your side." Fluke consoled.

"You guys don't understand." Prem sobbed and pushed his friends away. "He might never want me back."

Fluke sighed and squatted near Prem. "P' Boun is genuinely in trouble. If you are by his side, it would only distract him. That's why I am asking you guys to stay apart for a small time period. This separation is only temporary Prem. Once things get back on track, you guys can go back to the way they were."

"And what if things don't go back on track? What if things get worse and he can't solve it? Will he ever come back to me?" Prem sniffed.

"Prem, have a little confidence in yourself and in him. He is taking such a huge risk not just for him but also for you. He believes that as long as he has you by his side, he will be able to go through anything. So, trust him and his feelings for you and wait." Fluke stood on his knees and pulled Prem into a tight hug.

Earth joined the duo in the group hug.

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