188. Hospital

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Prem held the trembling Fluke close to him. It was the first time he was the one consoling Fluke. It had always been the opposite to date.

He understood the predicament Fluke was in. He knew that for Fluke, Fame was the same as Chiris was to him, a good partner to whom he could trust himself.

Just like him and Chris, Fame and Fluke had been partners in competitions and had brought back prizes.

It hit Fluke pretty hard that Fame had actually jumped off the balcony after finding that he was in love with Ohm to commit suicide.

Her head had hit the floor before the rest of the body causing cerebral haemorrhage. She was immediately taken to the hospital.

All of them except Ohm were heading to the hospital following the ambulance. Fame was immediately taken to the OT for emergency surgery.

Earth separated from them to go look for Fluke's mother as Fluke was in no condition to do it himself. Kao followed him as well.

Prem and Sammy took Fluke to the OT, followed by Boun.

As soon as Fame's father saw Fluke, he started yelling and blaming Fluke for whatever happened.

Prem wanted to go forward and tell him that Fluke wasn't the one who asked his daughter to jump off the building and that she had done it herself, but was held back by Boun.

"If you interfere now, things might blow up" Boun whispered

Prem could only grit his teeth and hold himself back. He only felt relieved when he saw Ohm defending Fluke upon his arrival.

That was when he saw a face he never wanted to see in his life again- JJ.

"Swadee Nong, long time no see," JJ smirked at them. "You three are here. Where is the last one? What was his name again?" he pretended like he was thinking hard. "Earth, yes. Earth. Where is he? Didn't he come with you guys? I was hoping to see him." He asked looking behind the group.

Prem felt all his anger getting to his head as he heard JJ mention Earth. He without a second thought raised his leg and kicked JJ in his chest sending the latter flying. This kick was something he wanted to give JJ years ago.

JJ crashed into the airport chairs in the waiting area in front of the operation theatre.

Prem grabbed JJ, who had fallen on the floor, by his collar and started punching him in the face.

Fame's family screamed at the sight.

"PREM, STOP IT," Boun yelled.

"WARUT!" Fluke called out and Prem's hand froze. "Don't get your hands dirty. Come back here."

Prem went back to Fluke's side, still glaring at JJ.

"You guys have not changed much after all these years." JJ spit out a mouthful of blood He stood up wiping the corner of his bleeding lips and scoffed. "Prem is hot-tempered as ever and Fluke, you still have control over him."

"You guys still really care about your images, don't you?" JJ got up from the floor with much effort.

Prem lunged forward to punch him again but got held back by Boun.

"P' JJ, you do realize that you are standing in my territory?" Fluke asked looking straight into JJ's eyes.

"Obviously." JJ looked at Fluke provocatively. "But I know you won't be able to do anything to me."

"He might not be able to you. But I can." Kao walked in angrily. His bodyguards caught JJ

"Who are you? What the hell are you doing?" JJ struggled in the bulky bodyguard's grip.

"This is a hospital. Please be quiet." Fluke said with a straight face.

The bodyguards quickly applied insulation tape over JJ's mouth before carrying him away.

"What the hell are you doing? Where are you taking my nephew? Khun Kao, what is the meaning of this?" Fame's father was triggered.

"He touched something that he shouldn't have. I especially hate it when someone touches something that belongs to me. Last time he got away because Fluke showed mercy to him. But this time I will make sure he pays for what he did." Kao said with an icy expression before leaving the crowd.

Boun stood frozen in his place. This was the first time he saw Kao using his power.

He stood beside Prem and watched as a middle-aged man came over running and knelt in front of Fluke "Khun Fluke. Please save JJ. Please forgive him just one more time. I will make sure that he won't do anything like that again. Please let him off." The man begged.

"Khun Pibulsonggram, if I remember correctly, the last time we met, we had an agreement. That your son will never step back in Thailand and will never appear in front of us. Yet he is here in Thailand, standing in front of me talking back to me so arrogantly. He did not seem to have any remorse for what he did. He hadn't learned his lesson." Fluke had a creepy smile on his face.

"I apologize on his behalf, Khun Fluke. It is my fault. I didn't raise him right. Please forgive him." The man sobbed hard. His body fat trembled.

Fluke motioned the security. "Take the unrelated people away."

"You devil. How could you treat my elder brother like that? He is an elder after all. Can't you show him some respect?" Mr Nalatworasakul asked angrily as he watched his brother being dragged away.

"That's right Fluke. You shouldn't treat him like that. No matter what happened between you guys and JJ, you shouldn't treat his father like that." Ohm said righteously.

Fluke stared at Ohm's expression for a few seconds before finally saying "This has nothing to do with you. Stay out of it."

"Fluke, why are you being so rude?" Ohm asked feeling a little hurt.

"Can't you just mind your own business and shut up Phi?" Prem asked in annoyance.

"Prem!" Boun called out gripping Prem's hands harshly.

"What?" Prem flung Boun's hand away. "We should just put up with him when he is bootlicking his in-laws? He doesn't have a fucking idea what that son of a bloody bitch did." Prem fumed.

"Prem, language," Fluke said in a stern tone.

Prem promptly apologized.

"If what happened here remains between us, it will be good for both of us." Fluke faced the Nalatworasakul couple and spoke. "I am sure that you have more important things to deal with at this moment." He patted the man on the shoulders with a small threatening smile.

"And you guys." Fluke turned to Ritpraserts with a full smile. "I don't think you would want to risk your relationship with the Dechaphatthanakuns for pleasing them?" Fluke pointed fingers at the Nalatworasakuls.

Ohm felt that the Fluke standing in front of him was a complete stranger. A bitter feeling rose within him seeing that Fluke was treating him and his family so distinctively.

Seth nodded and agreed with Fluke without any objections.

"Khun Seth. How could you agree with him so quickly?" Mr Nalatworasakul was furious.

"I don't know what happened between the kids. But I definitely saw that it was your nephew who started it. I have known Kao since he was a kid. If he took action, your nephew must have done something big to provoke him." Seth replied.

[1] Nalatworasakuls- Fame's family.

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