17. You know what I mean

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Prem entered the room after dismissing the bellboy.

The vast room left Prem feeling amazed.
Walking in he saw a huge double bed.

The dim purple lighting of the room kind of made it look a little… romantic?

Prem couldn’t find a correct word to say.

Before he could take a better look at the room, his bladder was protesting, urging him to take a leak.

Prem rushed to the washroom.

Having emptied his bladder, Prem felt relieved.

Washing his hands in the washbasin, he took a look at the washroom that was almost as big as his bedroom back at his parent’s home.

Luxury- that was the only word Prem could think of as he stared at the glass-enclosed shower at one end of the bathroom.

The middle portion of the bathroom was occupied by a giant circular bathtub, big enough for him to swim in it. If it was some other day, he would have had a relaxing bath with a glass of champagne enjoying the night view through the glass window.

The glass cabinet on the wall displayed a variety of toiletries starting from shampoos to things needed for a bubble bath.

Another cabinet displayed a variety of scented candles in various shapes, smells, and sizes.

There was also a menu card for selecting the kind of flower they would like to use in the bathtub.

They even provided a speaker system to play music while taking baths.

Prem was seriously doubting that Tae had won a lottery to book such a room for every guest attending the party.

Shaking his head, Prem walked out of the washroom.

The washroom opened to a giant closet.
The closet cabinets contained bathrobes, towels, extra bed sheets, and some other stuff.

Prem thought for a while before deciding not to change into the bathrobe. He was too lazy to do so. He might as well sleep in the clothes he was wearing.

Prem got back to the so-called bedroom that was big enough to be called a condo.
He took a look at the time and noticed that Boun was not there yet.

Prem decided to wait for Boun before going to bed.

The foodie inside him noticed the treats that were provided in the room.

Opening the mini fridge, he saw that there were a variety of drinks, from expensive wines and champagnes to beers.

Prem sighed at his bad luck. What bad timing, he couldn’t enjoy any of it.

He noticed the home theatre cum karaoke system provided in the room. There were two mics provided along with it.

While fiddling with the mics, Prem saw a bunch of DVDs inside the television unit.

‘Who uses DVDs nowadays?’ Prem thought looking at the DVD player attached to the television.

‘Maybe watching a movie is a better option than singing karaoke. At least I don’t have to exert myself. I can just lay back on the bed and watch it.'

Prem sat down on the floor to find a movie.

Soon Prem’s eyes went wide as he looked through the DVDs. Realization hit him.
All those DVDs were not movies but porn.

He silently thanked god that Boun was yet to arrive or else it would have been embarrassing.

Carefully placing the DVDs back just the way there, Prem immediately got up.
His attention was caught by a bowl full of something like candies wrapped in plastic.

When Prem saw his favorite yellow lays flavored wrapping, he cheerfully picked it up thinking that it was a yellow lays flavored candy.

Only after close inspection did he realize that it was not candy but a packet of condoms.

Prem was shocked by the sound of the door opening.

When he saw Boun enter the room, he hid the packet of condoms behind him.

“P’ Boun, you are here.” Prem smiled nervously, hoping that he was not caught.

Boun had noticed the bowl on the TV unit and knew what was on the bowl. A mischievous teasing smile spread across his face.

“So, do you like the room?” Boun asked enjoying the look on Prem’s face at the moment.

“Khrab. It is really spacious.” Prem secretly placed the packet of condoms back in the bowl before trying to turn Boun’s attention elsewhere.

“Didn’t I promise you that I will help you destress?” Boun slowly took steps towards Prem.

“Yeah?” Prem was starting to get a weird feeling.

He wanted to propose using the karaoke system but hesitated as he was not sure if it was actually karaoke or something else. He didn’t want to make a fool of himself.

Prem gulped feeling that something was not right from the way Boun was looking at him. It was the same look he got later on the day they met.

“Are you nervous?” Boun stood right in front of Prem.

“Nervous? Why should I be nervous Phi?” Prem secretly whipped his sweaty hands on his clothes.

Prem took a few steps backward and created a distance between him and Boun.

Boun chuckled at Prem’s actions.

“Prem, you always understand me even without me saying anything out loud. So, I think you should stop playing dumb now. You know what I mean.”
Prem had his back facing Boun.

“I am playing dumb? I don’t understand what you are trying to say phi.” Prem acted as if he was checking out the curtains.

“You know exactly what I mean,” Boun smirked.

Prem could see the smirk even without looking at Boun. He continued to act clueless about the situation.

“I know that Benz had already told you everything about me. Still, you agreed to share a room with me. I think I should take it as a ‘yes’ on your part.” Boun stared at Prem.

Prem had no option but to drop the act.

“P’ Benz did warn me about you. But from what I heard you only sleep with women.” Prem leaned against the counter separating the seating area.

“Where did you hear that from?” Boun chuckled and shook his head. “Yes, it is true that I sleep with women. But you should know that I am bisexual. Men and women are the same for me.”

Prem was left speechless by Boun’s shamelessness.

“In recent years I have only slept with women. It has been a long time since I had touched a man.” Boun started unbuttoning his shirt.

Danger alarms ran through Prem’s mind as he watched Boun take off his shirt and make his way over to him.

“So, may I?” Boun lustfully eyed Prem’s lips as he trapped the latter between him and the counter.

“Phi, I think there is some misunderstanding here. I am not into men. So… I think we should drop the topic here.” Prem tried to get out of the trap without touching Boun.

“Just because you have never been with a guy, doesn’t mean that you can never be into men. I was like you as well. Trust me when I say you are bisexual, just like me. I can feel it.” Boun said in a low deep voice inhaling the scent coming from Prem.

Prem almost forgot how to breathe.

“Haven’t you noticed all those guys trying to hit on you? Not many straight men have the ability to attract other men. You are so damn sexy baby.” Boun whispered in Prem’s ears.

Prem could feel something hard rubbing against his hands.

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