140. Audition

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"Khun Boun Khrab, can you be professional for once?" Fluke scowled at Boun. "I asked you to join me for help but you are only making my job twice as difficult."

Boun sulked, crossing his arms across his chest. "What else do you expect me to do? Spread a red carpet for them to walk?"

Fluke wanted to smack Boun on his head. But considering that there were other people in the room, he restrained himself. "You don't have to do that. but you can at least not scare them away like this."

Both of them were sitting in the hall to audition some newbie actresses for their series 'housemates'. Sant, the director and Jeab, the producer of the series was sitting right next to them.

Initially, it was planned that either Ohm or Yacht would join Fluke for the audition but neither of them could make it because of their tight schedule. In the end, Fluke invited Boun for help.

It had been three hours since the audition had started and no candidate was selected till now. All thanks to Boun, who made sure that each of them would leave the audition room in tears.

"N' Fluke, maybe we should take a break." Sant felt awkward sitting next to them.

"Khrab." Fluke respectfully waiied at the two people as they excused themselves. He then turned to Boun. "What on earth is wrong with you, phi? Don't you know that we need to announce the cast in a few days? How are we going to finalise the list if you are like this."

"You don't know what is wrong, Fluke?" Boun looked at Fluke as if he was an alien. "You want me to select a girl for Pao?"

Boun was pissed. The audition was being held to select the female cast of the crew. The candidates were auditioning for the role of Kanya, the character who will be Prem's girlfriend in the series.

"They even have a kissing scene, Fluke." Another reason for him to be mad at Fluke.

Fluke was the scriptwriter of the series and Boun didn't like the fact that Fluke added a kissing scene for Prem.

Fluke facepalmed. "It was what the investors wanted me to do, Khun Boun." He gritted his teeth. "It's not like I wanted to add it. but yes, after all the controversy that just happened, the investors don't want people to think that Prem or any one of us are into men. Our management thinks the same. I am forced to edit the script, okay? My original script didn't have any of this."

"But, all four of us are into men, Fluke," Boun said exasperatedly.

"I know. But the audience doesn't need to know that, Phi. Other than P' Ohm, all three of us are newbies and this series is going to be our debut as actors. So it is natural that they don't want to risk it."

"Why a kissing scene? Can't you delete that one?" Boun asked frowning in distaste. He couldn't imagine Prem kissing some girl.

"He is not actually going to kiss anyone, phi. We will be using the camera angles." Fluke didn't want to trigger Boun again. "And if anyone needs to complain here, it should be Prem. Because you will be playing against three actresses with both kissing and bed scenes involved."

"I wasn't the one who wrote the script," Boun snorted, rolling his eyes at Fluke.

"Yes, I am the sinner who wrote the script. But I wouldn't have had to add all that if not for your playboy persona." Fluke huffed.

The investors knew how Boun used to be in the past and didn't want to whitewash anything. They hoped that the audience would accept Boun the way he is.

"Wait a minute." Boun looked at Fluke as he realized something. "Did you just say that I will be playing against three women? With both kissing and bed scene?"

"You didn't read your script?" Fluke looked at Boun in horror. He had already given Boun the script a long time ago. He couldn't believe that Boun hadn't actually gone through his main part.

Boun shook his head innocently.

"You didn't read your part but you had time to read Prem's" Fluke muttered under his breath.

"What did you say? Talk louder, I didn't hear you."

Fluke took a deep breath to calm himself. "Khun Boun Khrab, you will be playing Night, a successful architect who happens to be a playboy, just like you in real life."

"I am not a playboy." Boun defended. He was. But not anymore.

"Yeah, I know that." Fluke mockingly smiled. He knew that Boun's body count was greater than the number of comics he owned. "Back to the plot. You will have three ladies playing opposite you.

One, Taembun, your ex-girlfriend who you dumped because of a misunderstanding. She will be the one slapping you in the first episode. Second, Khing, the married woman whom you have an affair with. You will have both kissing and bed scenes with her."

Fluke recited as Boun stared blankly at him. "Last but not least, Suda, the girl who will become your girlfriend in the end. You only have a kissing scene with her."

"You are doing this on purpose, aren't you?" Boun questioned.

"I don't understand what you are trying to say, phi." Fluke blinked innocently.

"That slap scene and multiple kissing scenes with multiple partners. You did it on purpose didn't you?"

Fluke smiled widely like a Cheshire cat. "P' Boun, it is good that you know that I want to slap you." He sighed. "As for the kissing scenes, I did add it for Prem to realise what kind of person you really are and that there are high chances that you might leave him just the way Night leaves his Exes."

"Are you trying to sow discord between us, Fluke?" Boun was irritated. He had been thinking that Fluke was supportive of him.

"You know P' Boun, Prem is like my own little brother. Given your reputation and the way you have treated him in the past, I can't actually say that I am happy about him being in love with you. But since he made his choice, I am supporting him."

Fluke looked at Boun with a chilly gaze. "The moment you break his heart will be the moment your bad luck begins. Because..." he leaned in closer and sang. "I can make your life a living hell if you want me to..."

Boun gulped involuntarily. He knew Fluke meant what he said and he also had the ability and ways to follow through his plans.

"So, it would be better if you behave and get this over with." Fluke slammed the list of candidates in front of Boun. "I don't have all day." He stood up and called Sant and Jeab in to continue the audition.

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