104. Confused

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"I shouldn't have come here," Prem mumbled under his breath, looking down at the fluffy slippers that Boun had got him when he moved in.

He was upset. Very upset. The reaction Boun had given when the latter saw him had really hurt him. Not to mention that the latter had actually pointed a gun at him. The feeling of fear had been taken over by the enormous amount of grief.

Prem had been eagerly looking forward to spending the evening with Boun after all this while. He had practically begged Boston to free up Boun's schedule so that he could get a little time with the older all by themselves. But it seemed to him that the other party appreciated the thought.

He did understand that Boun had a lot on his plate and couldn't spend time lazing around with him like they used to. All he wanted was to have a bit of the older's time and attention. Just enough to ensure himself that he still stood a chance in their unnamed relationship. Yet the way Boun looked at him as if he was a complete stranger, made his heart ache.

He glanced at the table full of food he had prepared for Boun, all of which were the latter's favourites contemplating if he had to discard them or not.

He sat down on the dining chair and looked at the piping hot food. He wanted Boun to have dinner with him. But the older had walked away even before he could ask if he wanted to. He felt as if he had wasted his efforts cooking all the dishes in front of him. He supported his chin with his hands and muffled a frustrated groan.

"Why the hell did I come here?" He was in low spirits. He was seriously considering the idea of running away. But he felt that if he did, he might lose the tiny percentage of chance he had to be with Boun.

Prem sighed and got up. He opened the fully stocked refrigerator. He was planning on spending the few days off in the villa and hence went grocery shopping before heading over. But Boun's actions had made him have second thoughts about the idea.

"Maybe I should crash at Fluke's place. At least he has a new game station installed." Prem spoke to himself, grabbing a bottle of water. He took a sip of water, pondering over how he was going to spend the rest of his days off if Boun didn't want him there.

"Pao." Prem's thoughts were interrupted by Boun's voice. He turned to look at Boun.

"Hia, are you going somewhere?" Prem asked seeing Boun all dressed up. He felt a pang on his heart thinking that Boun was going to leave.

"No!" Boun's voice was a few decibels high. But he realized soon that he had raised his voice against Prem and suddenly felt embarrassed. "I mean... I am not going anywhere." He explained

Prem hummed uninterestingly. He closed the bottle and placed it back on the refrigerator, closing the refrigerator door. "If you are not going out... would you like to have dinner with me." He asked fidgeting with his fingers.

"Of course. Of course. Why not?" Boun hadn't noticed all the food on the table due to his nervousness. He wanted to take Prem out for dinner. But if he did, that would nullify all the effect of them staying away from each other and Alan's men who were keeping an eye on both of them will surely know it. He was planning on ordering delivery. He was delighted to see that Prem had the same idea as him and had already ordered the food.

He took his seat on the dining table when Prem laid out the culinary. Prem served the food on his plate.

"Thank you" Boun took the plate of fried rice that Prem offered with an awkward smile.

Prem sat back down on his chair, scooping up some fried rice for himself on another plate.

The duo dug in silence. Prem kept stealing glances at Boun, awaiting a review of the dishes he cooked.

Getting no reaction from Boun, Prem finally spoke. "How is the food?"

"Not bad, not bad" Boun was actually paying attention to what he was eating. He was busy composing sentences in his mind to initiate a conversation with Prem. The food and how it tasted was the last thing on his mind.

"Not bad?" Prem poked the piece of marinated meat in his plate, trying his best not to show how affected he was. Out of all days, today he had prepared the best dish he had ever made. The food tasted really good to him. Not Fluke good-good, but human-level good. He was actually proud when he tasted them. But Boun didn't seem to be impressed.

Prem had put on extra effort on tonight's dinner, making sure that everything was perfect. The way Boun reacted, left him feeling unsettled.

Boun on the other hand was gobbling down the food under Prem's gaze. He didn't dare look up at the younger. He himself was confused why he was behaving like an agitated teenager when it was just him and his Pao.

There were many things he wanted to talk about. Many things he wanted to ask, many things to say. And he didn't know where to start. He had finally gotten an opportunity to have a one-on-one with Prem and he cherished it. He didn't want to mess it up.

After having a conversation with Ohm a few weeks earlier, he had indeed figured out that the problem lay with him and if anybody could change his status in Prem's life, that was him and him alone. He had to take a step forward. But he was clueless about what to do. He had too many ideas most of them clashing with others.

"How have you been, Hia?" Prem's question dragged him back from a daze.

"Good," Boun replied in a single word, chuckling awkwardly. He looked down at his plate, only to find that he had already finished his food.

"Would you like to have some more?" Prem asked, offering more food.

As much as Boun wanted to take Prem's offer, he couldn't ignore his full stomach's protest against the idea. He rubbed the tummy that seemed like it would burst if a single grain of rice entered it and looked at Prem guiltily.

"Oh, I forgot that you don't eat much for dinner." Prem flashed a small smile at Boun. Boun was pretty particular about his food unlike him. As a model, Boun had to maintain his figure and only eat small amounts of food during dinners.

"You shouldn't have ordered so much." Boun looked at the table full of food and commented.

"Don't worry. I can finish all these." Prem replied, scooping up the leftover fried rice and started eating without looking at Boun.

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