78. Scandal outbreak

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Boun smiled when the sunlight shined on him. He inhaled the fresh, pollution-free air feeling content for unknown reasons.

He turned to take a last look at the building he had been staying in for the past two weeks. Fluke was right, staying apart from Prem did give him to think and sort out his thoughts and come to a conclusion.

He had made his decision. He decided to give their relationship a chance, give Prem a chance, give himself a chance to love and be loved. He knew that it wouldn't be easy, but he was willing to try. Because he knew that Prem will be by his side no matter what.

The reassurance Prem gave him made him brave. Brave enough to dream of a future with Prem, forgetting about all his worries and stop being paranoid. He could see light in the darkness that had surrounded him for years. And he was now reaching out to the ray of light, hoping to get rid of the darkness forever.

Boun could feel his life falling back on track and the two weeks in the relaxation centre (As what Fluke called it) had proved it to him. Little did he know that all these were just a calm before the storm.

As Boun entered the villa, he co-inhabited with Prem, he felt his heart pound hard in excitement, the excitement to take a whole new step to another phase of his life.

He plugged in his phone to charge. He hadn't used his phone or any devices for the past two weeks.

Boun changed into a set of comfortable clothing and started cleaning the whole villa. As there was no one living there for the past few days, the place was covered in dust. Typically, Boun would hire someone to do the work. But today he wanted to do it himself. He was preparing a surprise for Prem and he wanted to do everything himself to make sure that everything was perfect.

He started by cleaning the refrigerator by throwing away the expired food items and restocking it with the groceries that he had bought on his way back. He then did the two weeks' worth of laundry before heading to do dusting the house.

By the time he was done, he was tired. After a quick shower, he went to bed. As soon as his back touched the comfortable bed, there was no stopping him from falling asleep.

Boun woke up groggily to find that it was already dark outside. He could hear his stomach growling and protesting as he hadn't had anything after the breakfast he had from the relaxation centre.

If Prem were to know that he had skipped meals for a whole day, he would definitely kick his butt. Boun chuckled at the thought. He missed Prem's nagging a bit. But he could only wait for another few hours before he could see the younger in front of his eyes.

Boun yawned, stretching himself as he made his way to the kitchen. He was in no mood to cook nor could he order any food at this odd hour. He decided to go with some snacks to calm his hungry stomach. As he was rampaging through the snacks, he had stocked up his eyes fell on the packet of instant noodles, which happened to be Prem's favorite.

"I am sorry Pao. I am stealing one of these for tonight." Boun muttered an apology as he remembered how possessive Prem was about these instant noodle packets.

He followed the cooking instructions behind the packaging to prepare a bowl of instant noodles for himself. It was his first time preparing it despite the fact that he had been living alone for all these years.

He slurped the noodles and started scrolling his phone. He had completely disconnected from the outside world and there were large piles of messages and calls in his phone.

That was when something caught his eye. He scrolled the phone to find more content and with each second, he was more and more shocked.

Ohm and Fluke were being bashed online for taking up a bl project. Ohm's old co-worker Peach with whom he was shipped with was fanning the flames. The whole issue had grown on such a big scale that the project was suspended. Even the stock of their agency was being affected.

Boun was no longer hungry. Both his cousins were having a hard time and he had no idea. Even his newly acknowledged little brother, Fluke, who had encouraged him was being torn apart by the netizens.

Without second thoughts, he called his cousins. Neither of them was picking up. He called Fluke and Prem next. He didn't have any luck. He had to wait till morning to reach any of them.

For the next few hours, Boun scrolled through the related news and was shocked at the level of hatred that was being directed at them.

The whole scandal had engulfed the entertainment news section of almost all news outlets creating a storm from which none of them could get out.

"P' Ton," Boun called his manager early in the morning.

"Boun, are you alright?" Bosston was seriously worried that his artist would be attacked by the anti-fans.

"I am fine, phi. How are things going?" Boun wanted insider information.

"Not Good." Bosston started explaining how the whole thing started from a photograph of OhmFluke from one of the workshops was leaked out by a staff of their agency and the fans went wild.

"Ohm and Khun Kao had been trying to things under control but it seems like their efforts are not being paid off. Even the Board of Directors have lost hope and wants to drop the bl project."  Bosston sighed.

Boun felt that there was something big behind the whole matter. He felt that things were not as simple as it seemed.

Just taking up a Bl series couldn't be the only reason why the scandal was being blown up. He knew that even though there were many homophobic people, his country's entertainment industry was known for queer content. There is no way the scandal or those hate comments be backed by just a few photographs.

"Phi, I will go to the agency today. I want to meet P' Kao and Ohm."

"Be careful when you go there. The place is now surrounded by reporters and anti-fans. If they see you, it would not be easy to get away." Bosston warned.

"Khrab phi. I will take the back door." Boun dropped the call and got ready to leave.

He drove to his agency and took the secret way directly to the topmost floor where Ohm's and Kao's offices were situated.

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