49. Met again

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Prem was sweating bullets even though he was in a well-air-conditioned room. He was tensed as hell.

He didn’t actually believe it when he got a call from SZ Entertainment saying that he got selected in the audition. He even thought that it was a prank call. Only after Bosston had called him to congratulate him on getting selected did he finally believe it.

Prem received the full script after signing the contract with the production team. He was also signed up under SZ Entertainment as an artist with Sammy as his manager.

He had spent the whole night reading the script. He was thankful that there were no kissing or intimate scenes in the script. He had heard the rumour that they were removed from the script under Ohm’s request, which was good news for him. Even the thought of kissing a guy (Other than Boun) was revolting for him.

Prem’s shaking leg accidentally knocked down Sammy’s makeup set that was placed on the coffee table.

“PREM.” Sammy’s angry call brought Prem back to reality. He noticed the broken set of cosmetics at his feet and his fuming best friend who was walking to him from the other end of the room.

“Sammy. I am really sorry.” He got up.

“You are sorry?” Sammy’s eyes turned red looking at the broken pieces.

“I will get a new one for you. I swear I will.” Prem almost pleaded seeing how angry Sammy was.

“Do you have any idea how much this one cost? This is a limited edition set. I had to wait for almost a whole year to get my hands on this one and you are saying that you will get me a new one? In your dreams, right?”

“It was an accident, Sammy.” Prem picked up the pieces.

“You just wait.” Sammy walked over with angry steps.

Prem instinctively started running to escape being beaten up by Sammy.

“Prem, Stop right there. I said stop.” Sammy yelled as she ran behind him.

Prem was busy checking if Sammy caught up with him that he didn’t notice the door open and a person entering the room. He directly collided with that person, causing them to topple over. He reflexively caught the other person’s head preventing it from banging to the floor while using the other hand to support himself on a push-up position.

Prem’s eyes widened in shock seeing the person lying under him.

Thump thump

Prem could hear his heart beating loud as he looked at the silver blonde-haired guy under him. Those familiar facial features evoke a sense of agony within his heart. The agony he was avoiding for the last two months.

He wanted to curse his own fate for bringing to the person whom he thought he would never meet again in this life.

He didn’t know what to do at that moment. A part of him wanted to run away while the other part wanted to ask the other party why he was abandoned that night.

Boun was equally shocked to see Prem. He felt that he was hallucinating. He felt like time had frozen as he watched the mid-length raven-black hair cascading as the latter hovered over him.

“Prem,” Sammy called out after calming down upon seeing three people who had entered the room.

Prem got up as quick as he could, breaking the eye contact between him and Boun. He waied at Bosston and April who entered following Boun.

“You are P’ Boun, right? Prem’s Hia?” Sammy asked excitedly.

Boun smiled and nodded. “You must be Sammy.” He remembered Prem mentioning Sammy as his best friend several times.

“Right. Swadee Khrab, Phi.” Sammy waied at Boun.

“Swadee.” Boun smiled brightly while Prem was visibly uncomfortable.

Both April and Bosston were shocked to see Boun smiling genuinely after a long time after the tantrum he was throwing since the morning. It was as if the Boun who entered the room and the current one standing before them were two different people.

“Wait. Wait. You guys know each other?” Bosston asked.

“He was the spokesperson of my brand,” Boun said pointing at Prem. “We did the launch of the line last season together. We even did a photoshoot.”

“Really Prem? Why didn’t you tell me?” Bosston looked at Prem.

“I didn’t know he was your artist.” Prem tried to maintain a smile.

“Since, we all know each other, let’s skip the formalities then.” April looked at everyone. “Let’s go for lunch together. It is afternoon already. Nothing is better than a meal to get acquainted. What do you guys say?” April looked at Sammy and Prem.

“That’s a good idea phi. I have been starving for a while now.” Sammy said rubbing her belly.

“Ok. Then it’s set. Let’s go.” April led the way with Bosston and Sammy following her.

Only Prem and Boun were left behind. Boun looked at Prem who was refusing to make any kind of eye contact.

Prem didn’t want to be alone with Boun for even a second. He knew he might not be able to control his emotions and may end up doing something that he might regret later. He hurriedly followed the trio with Boun tailing him.

Upon entering the restaurant, they saw that the other three were already seated around a round table.

Sammy sat next to Bosston with April on the other side. The two seats available were meant for Boun and Prem. Prem hesitantly sat next to Boun.

Boun had obviously sensed that Prem was not being himself and he could guess the reason behind it was him himself.

“P’ Boun, I really wanted to meet you on the convocation day and thank you for tutoring him. If not for the notes you prepared for him, all of us would have failed.” Sammy said thankfully.

“He tutored him,” Bosston asked pointing at Boun and Prem.

Sammy nodded.

“And he attended his convocation that day?” Bosston looked sharply at Boun who was acting innocent.

“Yes. That day if we hadn’t left early. We would have met him. Rin and Sine were bragging all day that they met him.” Sammy explained. “And that bouquet you brought; it was still in Prem’s dorm for a week until you guys came back from Phuket.”

Phuket, the place’s name didn’t bring any nice memories to Prem. He clenched his trousers. Boun could only keep on his smile even though he noticed Prem getting uncomfortable.

“He attended the convocation ‘and’ gave Prem a bouquet?” Bosston stressed the word ‘and’.

“Yes, that too a huge one. Rin sent me a picture of it. It was so beautiful.” Sammy took out her phone to show the picture of the bouquet to Bosston.

Just a look at the bouquet and Bosston could tell that Boun had put a lot of effort into it.

Bosston stared straight at Boun’s face and asked “Prem is the friend with whom you went for a vacation?”

Before Boun could answer Prem’s phone rang. Prem used it as an excuse to get away from there.

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